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Chapter 19
Winter Soldier Vs Team Cap
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Sam drove the six of them on the freeway to the Triskelion, so they could deal with a misbehaving Pierce and stop the Helicarriers from killing millions and millions of innocent people

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Sam drove the six of them on the freeway to the Triskelion, so they could deal with a misbehaving Pierce and stop the Helicarriers from killing millions and millions of innocent people.

"Hydra doesn't like leaks," Jasper explains as he sits in the backseat of the car, squashed in between three other people. Natasha, Jungkook and Tessa. Steve sits in the front with Sam - because, age before beauty, obviously.

"Then why don't you try sticking a cork in it?" Sam snaps at him as he peeks in the rear view mirror.

"Insights launching in sixteen hours," Natasha says as she pokes her head towards the front of the car. "We're cutting it a little bit close here."

"I know," Steve sighs. "We'll use him to bypass the DNA scans and access the helicarriers directly."

"What? Are you crazy!" Jasper asks him. "That is a terrible, terrible idea!"

All of a sudden, there's a thud on the roof of the car and, all too quickly, a hand smashed through the glass window of the passenger doors window and Jasper is snatched from out of it. The group watch, eyes wide, as Jasper is thrown into the path of an oncoming truck, killing him instantly.

Acting quickly, Natasha throws herself into the front seat, grabbing ahold of her Steve's head and pulling it into her chest, as she kicks Sam out of the way of the gunfire

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Acting quickly, Natasha throws herself into the front seat, grabbing ahold of her Steve's head and pulling it into her chest, as she kicks Sam out of the way of the gunfire. Jungkook pushes Tessa's head down into his lap, all while pulling out a gun and beginning to shoot at the cars roof, trying to hit their attacker. Bullets fly left right and centre.

Steve grabs ahold of the cars handbrake and pulls it, therefore flinging the attacker from off the top of the car and onto the road ahead.

The group's eyes widen even more as they all watch the figure, slowly stand up from the road. The dark brown hair, the metal arm with the red star. It was the man from the newspapers in Zola's mind. The man who attacked Tessa. The Hydra foot soldier. The Ghost Story. . . The Winter Soldier.

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