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Chapter 16
Heroes on the run
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┌────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┐Chapter 16Heroes on the run└────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┘

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First, there was an enhanced, evil assassin on the loose. Second, Fury had been shot and killed by said assassin. Three, his apartment has been destroyed. Four, SHIELD has been infiltrated overun by terrorists, that's the best word Steve could come up with as of right now. Five, he had been attacked by said terrorists, traitors if you will not long ago, which he was lucky to escape alive from. And to top it all off, he hadn't had a wink of sleep in the last 24 hours. . .

Now, you could probably guess that Steve wasn't in the best of moods currently. Who would be?

The enhanced super soldier finds himself strolling through the same hospital hallway he was in earlier. However, this time he was alone and under much different circumstances.

He attempted to blend in with everything and everyone around him by ditching his prestigious Captain America suit and choosing to wear grey sweats with a navy blue hooded jacket; with the hood up - he didn't look suspicious at all. Now that SHIELD had been taken over and he was a wanted man, like Nick's last words, he couldn't trust anyone.

Steve came to a stop in front of the same vending machine he was stood in front of earlier. It was a risky move, but before he left for SHIELD's headquarters for questioning alone, he acted on impulse and hid the flash drive Fury had given him, and hid it in one of the machines slots, behind some strawberry hubba bubba bubblegum.

However, now that he had returned for his flash drive, he was shocked to find it wasn't there.

Quickly going into panic mode, Steve frantically began to spin on the spot and look around for someone who appeared suspicious of taking his flash drive. His blue eyes eventually found someone.

A familiar red head steps out from behind Steve, blowing an impressively large pink bubble out of gum. Natasha stares up at Steve through big eyes, a smirk on her thick lips that soon disappeared when Steve harshly grabs her and pushes her into an empty room.

It seemed Steve didn't want to play any of her usual games today.

Natasha tried her best not to wince or appear shocked when her back meets the wall, Steve's hands still gripping on to her upper arms and keeping her there. The assassin never would've guessed Steve to be so rough, never in a million years.

"Where is it?" Steve demands an answer.

"Safe," Natasha answers.

Steve's jaw clenched as he says through clenched teeth, "Do better,"

"Where did you get it?" It was Natasha's turn to ask the questions.

"Why would I tell you?" Steve retorts.

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