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Chapter 20
Risen from the dead
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┌────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┐Chapter 20Risen from the dead└────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┘

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Steve put an end to the tense silence within the truck. No one had spoken a word since they had been captured. Not since the revelation that James Buchanan Barnes, Steve's old friend who he thought to be dead, was in fact very much alive and the winter soldier.

Their bodies sat and moved with that of the truck's movements as it drove to god knows where, only somewhere they knew would be bad, very bad. The typical sounds of the outside world was nothing but background noise, challenging the silence within the car that would no longer fight back as the occupants within finally began to converse.

"He looked right at me... and he didn't even know me." The tone of Steve's voice told everyone that he was not just confused, but it was obvious he was also upset.

"How is that even possible?" Sam, who was sat beside Natasha, asked.

Jungkook was close to falling asleep on Tessa's shoulder, as the two of them listened in on the conversation; not bothering to waste precious breaths on trying to join in. What would they say? 'Sorry your not-so-dead friend tried to murder you. He's tried to murder all of us, join the club?' That perhaps wouldn't go down well with the grieving Captain.

"Zola," was the answer and Steve knew it. "Bucky's whole unit was captured in'43. Zola must've experimented on him and whatever he did must've helped him survive the fall."

"None of that's your fault Steve," Natasha assured him, her voice hoarse. She was growing weaker.

Steve shook his head. "Even when I had nothing, I had Bucky."

"And that's why we'll help you get him back." Jungkook said, determination in both his eyes and voice, contradicting his weakened state.

Himself and Natasha weren't doing so great. They were losing a lot of blood as the seconds passed and minutes rolled by. Jungkook's skin was clammy with sweat, leaning all his body weight on to Tessa who was so desperate to help him and put pressure on his wound. If it weren't for the shackles around her wrists, she would. Although, all she could do was hold his hand in her own, hoping it comforted him. It did.

Natasha was in no better of a state.

Sam noticed this. "We need to get a doctor in here. If we don't put pressure on their wounds, they're gonna bleed out here in the truck." No reply.

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