Chapter 8: Split apart (Lemon)

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Yra: If you won't give me info, then I'll sent my troops to hunt them down. They will pay for ruining the Holy ring.


The area was a waste land as ship parts were everywhere and it's like a ship crashes landed here and made a massive explosion.

We see Ave trying to contact anyone on her radio and possibly Y/n, Cali and Remington after they were some how teleported after anuclear explosion within Church's chest set off.

Ave: Hello dose anyone copy over? Please dose anyone read me? Y/n you there? Cali, Remington, anyone please respond.

Ashley walks up to Ave as Ave got off the coms as she sigh in worry as Ashley said.

Ashley: No point. That nuclear blast must of cut off our radio to anyone for a while.

Ave: Yeah guess you right. Damn what happened when that nuke went off?

Ashley: Something must of teleport us to this different location of the ring. It looks like something crashed here.

Ave: Possibly a Covenant ship or something.

Ashley: Yeah. Come on, everyone else is waiting.

Ave: OK, let's go.

They walk back to everyone else and soon they walk up to Grif, Simons and Tucker as they hear what Grif is saying.

Grif: Well Simmons, they destroy it all. They blow it all up! Damn this, damn them, those god damn dirty apes!

Ashley: Did you just reference Planet of the Apes?

Grif: No and what's that?

Ashley: (sigh)

Ave: Calm down Grif, we don't know the ring is like this.

Simmon: She's right. Maybe there is some survivors.

Grif: No guys. We're the only once left in this future like apocalypse. Everyone as we know it is gone as we know it.

Ashley: Two things, one: There are UNSC soldiers that got away the blast so I bet they are back at Blood gulch right now and second: You guys still think we travel through time and space?

Simmon: Yeah, it's a highly possibly.

Ave: Simmons, getting nuked combine by a lightning electricity within Church is not how time travel works. We must have teleported to a different location of the ring.

Tucker: How do you know?

Ave: Trust me. I know how teleportation works and how it looks like. You Sarge is just being a dumbass.

Tucker: So that means Church, Y/n, Cali and Remington are not stuck in the past?

Ave: Of course not that would be ridiculous.

Grif: Huh guess they don't have to wait to get to the future.

Tucker: But what about the present day being destroyed?

Ashley: Tucker. We're IN the Present Day. Jesus do yous just sit around and talk shit all day?

Grif: We're not paid to do things anyways.

Sophie: (distance) Hey guys, over here!

They run over to Sophie were they see a damage Warthog and with Sophie was Sarge, Sophie, Caboose and Donut.

Sophie: We found this Warthog here and it looks like it still works.

Ave: Can you fix it?

Sophie: Yeah just need to find some spare parts around this crash site and then we get this going.

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