Chapter 1 The Collider

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"Shit... I gotta reach there quickly... I can't let him turn on that collider..."

Peter ran through the dark hallway quickly. His Infamous villain, Kingpen has built a device that can connect to other dimensions. Dangerous ones. Peter just could not let that happen. As he was running through the halls, he saw a door, was emitting light from it. "That must be it."

He leaped and slammed into the door. As he did, he saw KingPen standing near a huge control panel. The control panel has a bunch of buttons and levers on it.

"It's over KingPen! I can't let you open a portal to another world! You'll put me, and even you in danger!"

Kingpen looked over at Spider-Man and grinned. "Don't worry Spider-Man. I won't open it to let things in."

Peter looked over at him. "What? What do you mean?"

"I'll open it, to get rid of you from here forever."


Before Peter could have done anything, KingPen flipped a switch on the panel, and the giant machine that was next to Peter started up. "I won't let you do this!"

Peter shot a web at his villain, and leaped at him, smashing his feet into him, knocking him into the ground.

The collider was starting to get stronger. Now, it was starting to pull stuff in. Peter lost grip and nearly fell into the portal. He was now holding onto a pole.

Kingpin had run out of the room. "I hope you enjoy your dimensional travel Spider-Man!" He said.

Peter was holding onto the pole still. He looked over at the panel. "I gotta turn it off...."

He looked at one of the levers. "It must be that red one-"

He shot a web at it, and when the web connected, he pulled.

But that only made the portal get stronger. And unstable.

Peter lost his grip on the pole, and got sucked into the portal.


"I... gotta.. stop... it... can't...let him win...."

"I....ah... my head..." His vision was hazy as he tried to get his senses together.

"Wait?" Peter looked up. "Where am I?!"

He was in a room, with very little lightning. As he got his senses together, he saw that it looked like a lab. "This is a lab? Is it one of Kingpens labs?" He looked around. It didn't seem like anything from KingPen. "No... this isn't his lab," Peter said to himself. "The name "Fisk" would be all over the place..."

He walked around for a bit. "This gotta be another dimension. I gotta get back!"

He stopped when he noticed something, that had what seemed to be eggs on it. "What is this place? Why they got eggs? Those can't be chicken eggs? They're big... but... they don't look like Ostrich eggs..."

He heard someone coming.

He got into his fighting stance and faced the door.

"Dude, we came over here a thousand times. They aren't going to have anything here for a fire pit."

Two boys young boys came in. Both of them were probably around Peters's age. "Calm down Kenji, it doesn't hurt to look-"

They both stopped cold when they saw Peter in his fighting stance.

There was a small awkward silence between everybody. "Um, who are you?" The tall one asked. "Uh..." Peter said. "I am-," Peter looked down at himself, then gasped. He wasn't wearing his spider suit. He was wearing his normal clothes. "Um... where is my suit?" He said, a bit too loud.

"You're what?"

Peter looked up at them. "Um, hello! The names Peter!" He said, going to shake their hands. He figured it was the best thing to do.

The short kid backed up. "Last time we found new folks on this island, they turned out to be bad. How do we know we can trust you?"

"I-... uh? Island? What island?"

The... island you're on right now?" The tall one asked.

Peter looked around. "Shoot, where is the collider of this world?" He thought to himself. If he got sent to this dimension from a collider, that also means there must be one here. He knows KingPen didn't know about that. "I just gotta find it-,"

Peter looked over at the two teens. "Look, I don't know what you're talking about. I'm not fro-"


Peter jumped up. "Uh... that didn't sound good...... what the heck was that?!"

"Are you telling me, you've been here and didn't know Dinosaurs are on the loose?!"

"What?! Dinosaurs?! What dimension is this?!"

"Dimension?! What are you talking about?" The short one yelled.



"Shit! The Raptors are here!" The tall one said.

Peter didn't know what was going on. But he knew he had to use his powers to help. 'They probably have no idea who Spider-Man is. So my identity will be intact..."

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