9. My Girl

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9. My Girl

"Everybody wanna steal my girl, everybody wanna take her heart away," Luke and Y/N sang through the car. Luke's perfect vocals with Y/N's dying cat singing voice was just driving Michael to the end. He wanted to enjoy his time with his girl- uh his friend he meant. Y/N even went to the backseat to be closer to Luke and leaving Michael with the carton of eggs on the passenger seat.

"I love this song," Luke said. He had so much confidence in front of Y/N in less than an hour and haven't left her alone to speak to Michael once. "Did Michael mentioned to you that we were the opening act for One Direction twice?"

"Actually yes. He mentioned a lot of things over dinner," Y/N said. Michael's hazel-green eyes then connecting with hers from the rear mirror. Almost all the anger that Michael was holding was going away and he was amazed by her beauty. The car was in small silent until Y/N pulled away from her gaze. "He also mentioned that you and your other friends ditch him for girls"

"I-It wasn't like that," Luke said. Ha! He was getting shy again. A smile appear on Michael's face and he pay attention to the road. He was trying to look for a familiar grey range rover. Y/N then laughed at Luke's blushing face and leaned close to the driver seat. Michael's body almost tensing as she felt her lips close to his shoulder.

"Hey," She whisper. "Do you think that it's possible if you get Niall's number for me?"


"No. Ferguson"

"Who the hell is he?" Michael asked. It took him a while that she was only joking and that she actually meant Niall Horan, one of the lads of One Direction. His hands tightening around the wheel and he shook his head. "No way"

"Why not?"

"Well uh he-"

Michael couldn't come up with any reason for why Y/N couldn't crush on Niall. He was perfect! Like a Photoshop model from those magazine trying to sell you Calvin Klein underwear. Hearing his laugh was enough to make any girl to drop to their knees and drool over him. Oh god. How can he complete with that laugh? Maybe he had to ask Ashton for laughing le- what is Michael even thinking about?

"He's gay"

Seriously Michael. That's all you had to come with.

"No he isn't," Luke opened his mouth. Michael then tried his hardest from parking the car and punching him in his hard. Did he not see that he was trying to keep the girl for himself?

"Geez," Y/N mutter under her breath. She didn't even knew why Michael would want to come up with something like this about one of his friends. The phone rang again and this time it was Luke's phone - blaring one of their songs.

So go ahead, rip my heart out, Show me what love's all about!

"Hello Calum," Luke answer. A huge smile on his face because he placed the car on speaker without telling Calum. Oh, so dangerous. All three of them flinching when they heard Calum scream in frustration.

"Look here Hemmings, I need you to find Ashton now and get his ass to the house. I need the car," Calum angrily said. The tan kiwi was currently searching the house for his favorite t-shirt. He needed to get ready fast since Lindsay- his date- sent him a picture of her lace undergarments for tomorrow.

"He left me"

"Well find him Luke! I need to get some like c'mon I can't be like Michael that has no one tomorrow"

"Thanks Calum!" Michael grumpily said. Luke and Y/N then laughed and Calum stood frozen on the other line. Michael was then close to turn to Y/N's street until the kiwi spoke again.

"Buddy, mate, lad - uh hi. So sorry, I didn't meant that," Calum apologized. His fingers were crossed and hoping that he wasn't going to get beat up later for his comment. He just blamed the bulge between his legs. Curse the creation of lace underwear! "So Michael, any chance you can drive me to Lindsay's house?"

"Uh he's horny alright," Y/N commented. She can almost hear him panting as he walked around the house.

"Who's that?"

"Y/N. Michael's lady friend," Luke said.

"Wait she's an actual girl?" Calum asked, shocked. Again, it was strange for Michael to be seen with another girl that wasn't a fan that he met on the streets. Luke then too a quick glance at Y/N again to make sure - you know just in case. Y/N quickly noticed and raised an eyebrow.

"Do you actually want to see my vagina and boobs to prove that I'm a girl?"

"No" Michael said at the same time that Calum had said yes. "Y/N there is no way that you're going be naked to prove that you're a girl"

"I mean that's if she wants to prove it to me," Calum said in the background. He was so going to get punch in the face by Michael soon.

But it was a chance that he was going to get if it brought Michael here soon with the car.

Night Before Valentine's Day (M.C)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora