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Chapter 3: Acacia

You know how fate works in strange ways? Like in those cliches stories when a celebrity meets a model-looking girl in Starbucks or when the main characters meets at a party hosted by the playboy. Strangely enough, if it's a Kpop story- the host would be Jackson Wang from GOT7. Even if they do seem romantic or just plain weird- fate is just unpredictable. You never know when you can meet your soulmate and it makes it fun. And really, your soulmate can be that weird guy at the grocery store that y/n was shopping at about ten minutes ago.

Or the guy that Michael just threw an egg on less than a second ago.

"Woo!" the blue haired man yelled through the window as he drove past a neighborhood. The air blowing his hair away from his face. Michael was down to three carton of eggs and his destination was Acacia Brinley's house next. He didn't held any hate against on her, but he thought that he could actually give her something to tell the world on the twitter and it being the truth between him and her. A smile display on his face as he saw a girl with her hoodie up walking down the street. Definitely had to be Acacia. He then slowly went forward to grab an egg.

"I got a pocket, got a pocket full of sunshine!" Y/N singed out loud. Her hips swaying along to the song as she walked home. A plastic bag besides her side of two potato chips bag- just in case she runs out again. Her music was high up, playing "Pocket of Sunshine" by Natasha Bedingfield. She didn't even knowledge the car with the high lighting coming near her.

So remember about the whole fate topic? It wasn't a party, Starbucks, or even a concert that brought Michael and Y/N together. Oh no- it was something else much more unpredictable.

"Hey Acacia!" Michael yelled. Y/N's headphone then fell down from her ear at the sound of Michael calling out the name of y/n's ex neighbor that moved away a month ago. Before she could turn around, Michael threw an egg at the side of her hip and hitting her iPhone. Another one hitting her bum and causing her hoodie to fall down from the top of her head. Her hair falling down from its messy bun and getting in front of her face.

Saying that she was angry was underestimate. Slowly, Y/N turned around before Michael threw another egg at her chest. A gasp escaping her lips and she removed her hair from her face. She was almost blind at the high setting light that Michael had on his car.

"Shit you're not Acacia..." Michael said. Lowering his carton of eggs and turning off the lights of the car. His focus on the girl in front of him that he never met. "I'm so sorry I-"

"Sorry? You idiot, I got hit by fucking eggs!" Y/N yelled. Her face turning red as she tried to remove the yolk from her clothes. All she wanted to do was to have potato chips while watching Netflix tonight. Obliviously it seem to be too much to ask for because now she was in the middle of the sidewalk at night with broken eggs over her. She never even seen this boy before in her life, even if her mind is trying to tell her otherwise.

"I seriously thought that you were some girl name Acacia Brinley," Michael tried to explained. Oh great, y/n thought. Thoughts of him being a crazy ex out for revenge because tomorrow was Valentine's Day ran through y/n's mind. She just wished that he knew that Acacia moved out of the neighborhood about a month ago to live a little closer to the city. The intense atmosphere between them made Michael squirm in his seat before him getting out of his car. His heart was beating hard, lips almost trembling as he took steps closer the girl.

His hazel-green eyes then connected with hers. And wow, Michael thought, she's so pretty.

"You own me new clothes right now" y/n interrupted his thoughts.

"Yea sure," Michael agreed without hesitantly. He then looked down on her bags of potato chips and she quickly grabbed it. A warning look in her eyes because she wasn't planning to share with the blue hair boy. "So should we go to my car?"

"Well I don't plan on walking. I might get hit by ham this time to accompany my eggs," Y/N sarcastically said. She then walked past Michael and open the car door. A small muffled laugh escaped from the blue hair boy lips when he understood the joke.

But something was missing.

"Hey I didn't get your name," Michael said. His hand extended out towards the messy girl. "I'm Michael"

"Well Michael. My name is obliviously isn't Acacia Brinley," Y/N stated. "But I'm Y/N"

"I love the name"

"Don't start. I just need to know why the hell you wanted to throw eggs at Acacia?"

"Long story, short. The other girl Abagail wasn't in town and so Acacia was my second choice"

A small silence was in between them before y/n spoke again.

"Michael, I just met you," She said. Placing both of her hands on her hip while glaring at Michael. "But I honesty think your still an idiot"

A smile then appeared Michael's face as he nervously laugh.

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