4. 50 Shades

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Chapter 4: 50 Shades

"So you were planning to egg the Kardashians?" Y/N asked, confused. Her attention on the leftover cartons that were in her lap. Michael then nodded and enter the mall's parking lot. She then didn't want to break it to him that the Kardashians were on a vacation. But hey, why not ruin his mood when he already ruin Y/N's outfit right? Although it was just sweatpants and a sweater. She only had one other question in mind. "Don't you have friends to throw eggs with?"

"They all bail on me for their dates"

"I feel you. My friend is going on a date with some Andrew kid after months of us wanting to see 50 Shades of Grey tomorrow," Y/N said. The car was quickly stopped and Michael's eyes widen. It was almost every guy's reaction to hear that a girl wanted to hear it. Although you couldn't blame y/n when all you do to spend your time is reading.

"Do girls actually find that book that good?"

"The book isn't just about sex. More like an evolutionary of a man because of a woman"

"What?" Michael asked. A car then beeping behind him causing him to drive along and find a parking spot again. His attention not going away from the subject. "50 Shades of Grey is just a woman excuse of seeing porn"

"Maybe or Maybe not" Y/N responded.

Minutes later, Michael finally found a parking spot and both of them were heading towards the mall. His hazel-green eyes staring at Y/N's clothes that were cover in dry egg- the scent almost reaching him. He didn't even care about it. Somehow he was just intrigue by the girl that was standing next to him. Her hair was completely messy like she didn't even bother to brush it before heading out, makeup nowhere in her face besides the lip gloss, and face that was flushed because of the cold font. It was weird for Michael to see that she even dare to fix herself before heading inside the mall. Jesus, is she even real?

"Take a picture, it lasts longer," Y/N said, smirking. Michael then reached for his phone and her eyes widen. "I was just kidding!"

"Oh," Michael said. He was trying to hide the disappointment by forcing a smile. "I totally knew that"

Before Y/N can reply, Michael and she then pay attention to their surroundings. It was like in those weird under budget horror movies. Teddy bears everywhere, jewelry boxes, roses, and worst - couples were everywhere. Michael and y/n cringed in disgust and walked away from the scene. Y/N could've almost swear that she heard a couple broke into a song down the food court.

"I hate Valentine's Day" Both of them mutter said at the same time. They held their heads down before looking up to see that they walked inside a dress and suit store. Horror written in their faces as they looked at the tight dresses and fancy tuxedos with plain ties. It was new territory for them. Like a bear entering the beach.

"Well hello," A lady said from behind. It was too late to escape. The middle age blonde woman then stood in front of them with a grey tie in her hand. Y/N then recognizing it familiar to the tie on the 50 Shades book cover. So weird. "How can I help you lovely couple?"

"Couple? Oh no. We're not dating," Y/N laughed. Michael was laughing along before the lady grabbed both of their hands. Quickly silently them.

"So cute. Now let's get you new outfits"

And if you heard closely, you can hear Michael Clifford say;

"I rather read 50 Shades of Grey now"

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