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Chapter 2: Chips

"Hmm, how should I hashtag this?" Amanda asked. The girl with the natural ginger hair and beautiful blue eyes has trying to come up with a tweet for about twenty minutes. Her friend besides her, Y/N Y/L/N was laying across the couch and eating her weight on chips. She glances at her best friend and shrugs before piling her mouth with more potato chips. "Y/N, any suggestions?"

"Hashtag, I don't care!" Y/N said. The girl with a messy bun and chips crumbs on her shirt was happy for her friend- knowing that she was finally going on a date with some guy that y/n didn't knew. What was his name again? Andrew? Andy? Ashton? Shaking her head, Y/N definitely knew that it had to be a guy name Andrew. Maybe.

"You should probably get clean up," Amanda said, disgusted. She wipes the chip crumbs away from the couch and staring intently at y/n. Amanda instantly regrets saying anything when her best friend got up and glared at her. "Or you can stay on the couch. Anything is fine."

"Do you not know what today is?"

"The night before Valentine's Day?"

"Friday the 13!" Y/N exclaim at the same time that Amanda spoke. Her arms went up in despair. She wasn't exactly a believer of superstition, but y/n just needed an excuse to stay at home. Amanda stared at her with an deadpan expression on her face.

Hey pretty girl, what's your number?

"Oh, I gotta answered this."

Amanda walks out of the living room, smiling to herself as she answered her phone. Must have been that Andrew kid. A satisfied smile appear on y/n's face and she leaned back on the couch. Her hand reaches inside her potato chips bag and she finds nothing.

Friday the 13 wasn't a good day. Y/N scans the living room as she hopes that another chip of bag would magically appear. The time past and the chip magic wasn't going to happen. Y/N waited for two minutes before gettting ready to go out. It's one thing that can make y/n happy again; Go to the store and see the love of her life again - Potato Chips.

"I'm going out!" Y/N declared. Without saying anything else, she walked out of her house and started to head to the store. Not knowing what would happen to her in the dark night. One minute later, Amanda then reappeared in the living room with a horrified expression on her face as she held her phone closely her to ear.

"Michael Clifford is freaking loose with eggs?"

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