7. Phones

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Chapter 7: Phones

Her heart was beating completely fast as he held her in his arms. She felt safe and it something that she could get used to. Meanwhile he seem like he didn't want to let go of the beautiful girl in his arms. Like his life depended on it. Both of them smiling at each other.

Y/N and Michael could almost feel the love radiating from the couple that was outside the restaurant's balcony. It was beautiful. Surprising none of them was cringing at the sight- more like admiring it.

"Cheers for being single," Michael joked. Raising their root beers because they were still underage to drink any alcohol in the United States. The two teenagers clicking their glasses together and chugging it down.

"Isn't being single such a great time when Valentine's Day comes around?" Y/N said. A goofy smile on her face and Michael nodded.

"Yea the best. It gets more fun when your best friend ditches you for dates," he mentioned. Both of them then high fiving each other before calming down and eating their dinner. Meanwhile Y/N kept her eye on Michael and analyzing his features. Wow, she thought.

He is so handsome. A stubble was forming on his face, Adam bottom visible, plump pink lips that were kissable, and his cheeks were some of the things that made Y/N almost weak for him. She felt connected with Michael- even it wasn't for the longest time that they had met.

And when Michael finally looked up- her phone rang, His mouth closed again and Y/N excused herself to the bathroom to answer the phone call by Amanda.


"Y/N! Where are you?"


"Nevermind that. Your ex boyfriend Blake is here and won't leave until he see you," Amanda groaned. Hearing closely, Y/N can hear Amanda sharply the kitchen knifes from inside the house. Her hatred for Blake must had grew stronger through the months. Y/N then recognized a familiar voice demanding to see her. "Shut up princess"

"Tell him to leave"

"Great idea. I wish I had the thought of that the minute that he stepped inside the house" Amanda sarcastically said. The sound of her knife sharpening stopped and she gasped. "Hey! Get away from that lace underwear!"

"Lace underwear? I- Did you seriously bought lace for tomorrow?" Y/N asked. Horror written in her face at the thought that Amanda was planning something more for the Andrew kid. Her best friend then nervously laughed as she paced over to Blake to snatch her undergarments away.

"Look it's Valentine's Day tomorrow and I'm going to take my chances of having sex," Amanda said. Jeez. How perfect must this Andrew kid be if Amanda was going to get in bed with him? Shaking her head, Y/N sighed and walked back towards the table. Only to see that a waitresses was talking to him and occasionally laughing at his jokes. The jokes that y/n should be laughing at expect that waitress.

"I have to go. Just get Blake out of the house before I get home," Y/N said, grumpily. She then hang up her phone and reappear at the table. Michael quickly noticed her and smile as the waitress gave her a chance to sit back down. Y/N took one clear look at her and she sudden felt insecure by the girl. Her long blonde hair was tight back in a bun, red lip stick on her plump lips, long legs that were to kill for, and she even had the package of bum and boobs. Every guy's dream girl was standing in front of her while y/n felt like she just came out of 'Homeless Magazine'.

"Thank Maddie. I take that into consideration for tonight," Michael smiled. "Also I hope that you and your girlfriend have a nice Valentine's Day tomorrow"

Girlfriend. Maddie has a girlfriend. It gave y/n a little more boost as Maddie smiled back and left to serve other tables. Michael then looked back at y/n with determination in his eyes.

"So what was the phone call about?"

"I won't tell you until you tell me what your putting into consideration tonight," Y/N said. Her fingers tapping against the table and Michael raised an eyebrow. Secretly he knew that y/n wasn't going to spill until he does.

"I was thinking about taking you somewhere else," Michael admitted.

"Really? Michael you hardly even know me and you already want to take me to the second date"

"Not true. I know all the basics about you now like how your favorite color is stripes because you can't choose a color" Michael protested. A smug look then appearing on his face. "Besides you didn't thought of that when you went inside my car"

"It's not like you were going to do any other harm besides throwing eggs"

"Touché," he responded. "Anyway I already pay for the check, do you want to leave?"

"Sure. I'm completely full" Y/N responded. She placed a hand on her belly and rubbed it, emphasizing that she wasn't kidding. Michael then stood up and reached for her hand, helping her get up from her seat and leading her out of the restaurant. The cold hitting them without warning and Y/N scooted closer to Michael. His cheeks burning up from the closeness and he nervously wrapped an arm around her waist. Hand firming touching the side of her hip. It felt right for both of them like it was usual routine.

"You're really beautiful y/n," Michael said out loud. Both of them reaching to the car and Y/N was a blushing madness like Michael. They stood there looking at each other not knowing what to say. Y/N was torn between saying 'Thanks dude' or 'Shut up'- she was new to this again. Her hair blew away from her face and Michael took a step close to where their bodies were touching. "I'm honestly want to kiss you right now"

"What's stopping you?"

"Nothing now," Michael admitted. His hands reaching up to caress Y/N's face before he leaned in close to her lips. Both of them completely nervous. This was it- the first kiss. Y/N then closed her eyes, waiting for his lips to meet hers. It was all going so fine until Michael's phone rang. An irritated groan escaping his face and he reached his pocket to pull out his phone. "Hello?"

"Michael! Hi it's Luke- I mean I bet you already knew that because you have it in caller ID and-"

"Luke get to the chase," Michael interrupted. He can hear a glass breaking in the background and he grew concern. Luke wasn't good in tough situations that was happening like the one that Michael was hearing.

"Um can you pick me up from the store?" Luke asked nervously. He looked around his surroundings and flinched when an angry looking man walked pass him. His fingers playing around with his lip ring.

"Why can't Ashton or Calum do it?"

"Calum's home and Ashton took the other car, leaving me in the store when I went to get eggs," The blonde hair boy responded. He was then shoved by when a couple walked pass him. "Michael, I know you're angry at us but please get me. I'm just a small Australian boy in L.A"

Michael often wondered if Luke didn't realize that nothing about him was small. For pete sakes, the boy was taller than the rest of the band! Althought he was angry at Luke, Michael couldn't leave Luke in a dangerous situation. The blue hair boy then took a quick glance at Y/N, who was fixing her hair, and groaned.

"I'll be there in ten minutes Luke"

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