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Shannon POV:

I had had enough of exploring, so decided to head to the venue where Cari and the rest of the team were. I had no idea where i was so i ordered an Uber.

I walked in to see Cari sat on some random guys lap, not the sight i expected to see, but it didn't bother me, well it did, i just pretended that it didn't.

"Shannon, you're here" cari said approaching me, looking kind of shocked, but i just smiled along

"this is shannon everybody" she said, introducing me to the room full of people. I dont really know why, but i expected her to give me a title or something, like this is my wife Shannon, but no.

"do you want to go grab lunch? i'm starving?" i said to her whilst grabbing her hand so that she would turn and face me, this wasn't an open invite to the room full of people, i just wanted to go with Cari

"not right now, sorry Shannon, i'm kind of busy" she replied letting go of my hand

i looked around the room, she didn't appear to be busy, everyone was just kind of sitting around either talking or on their phones.

"that's fine. I think i'll just go back to the hotel" i kissed her on the forehead and left.

I dont really know what just happened. I've been on tour and to shows with cari before, and i know they can be frantic and chaotic, but that didn't seem like that, and she kind of gave me the cold shoulder.

We got married basically a week ago, i thought things would be different, career always came first to cari, and i don't blame her for that, i just thought she would involve me in that.

I tried not to overthink it and just headed back to the hotel, picking up a sandwich on the way, i wasn't lying, i was starving.

I got to my room and got out my laptop to do some work but soon got distracted from a call from Jess - she just wanted a catch up.

I spent the next half hour talking to her, but she had to go, and i really had to get some work done.

Time flew and soon enough i herd someone fiddling with the door outside, it was Cari.

She entered and i only made a brief gaze up from my laptop to look at her.

She just stood there staring at me.

"what's up with you" she said

"nothing, just a lot of work to get done"

We both just looked at each other, neither of us saying anything

"okay then. I'm gonna order some room service, do you want anything"

"no, i'm good, i ate lunch on my own" i replied. Now she knew what was going on 

i didn't really know if i had a right to be mad here, and to be honest, i didn't even know if i was mad.

"baby, i was busy, i would of eaten with you if i could of" cari said, coming to sit next to me on the bed

I closed my laptop, as i knew i just wanted to talk about this and move on.

"yeh well maybe you could of made time, you didn't look busy, you were sat on that guy's knee" 

"i don't work on my own schedule, i can't just do whatever i want and leave whenever i want. And i wasn't sitting on Danny's knee in any weird way, you don't have to worry"

"just seemed weird that you chose to sit on his lap rather than the 101 other chairs available"

"yeh, i can see that, i'm on your side there" she said with a smile, making me smile. You can't not smile when Cari smiles, it's contagious. 

She cupped my face and kissed me "i'm sorry"

I immediately pushed her away.

I had grabbed her hand and she was not wearing her ring

"why did you take your ring off" i said kind of angrily

"oh i just didn't want to lose it" she replied

"you weren't going to lose it, thats stupid" i said, but i regretted it

"look, its here, i've not lost it, its still with me" she said grabbing it out of her pocket

"you're overreacting here, baby." she said

I knew i was, but i find it hard to admit to things like that, so i just sat in silence and pulled my laptop back up.

"are we good?" she said

"yup" i replied, but we both knew that wasn't really the answer

Cari POV:

She had a right to be mad, i know how it looked, but i don't know why she's claiming for everything to be fine when its clearly not

"I've just got to pop to Johns room to sign a few things, ill be back in 10 mins" i said after 10 minutes of us sitting in silence, she was sending emails, i was scrolling through instagram.

"Do you want to come?" i asked

"no, i'm good, thanks though" she replied without even looking at me


10 minutes later i returned to shannon who was still grumpy, but a knock at the door broke the silence, my room service was here.

As i was eating i could see Shannon watching me through the corner of my eye.

"did you want any?" i said smirking

"nope, you're all good" she replied looking back at her computer but with a smile on her face

Once i finished eating it was time for me to get changed, which i knew would cause Shannon to look up from her laptop.

It wasn't the biggest hotel room, so i had no other option than to change right infront of her.

As i took of my clothes i pretended like i didnt know that Shannon was watching, but i had a second sense for things like that, i'd experienced her eyes on me for the past 8 years, on and off.

I heard a quiet "i'm sorry" as i was zipping up my pants.

I turned around to see my wife lying on the bed staring at me. she had put her laptop away.

"i got jealous" she said under her breath, playing with her ring

I finished getting changed and went to sit on the bed with her. I rested my body on her legs so that i could look up at her.

"jealousy is usually a good look on you, but you don't usually get like this, what's different"

"marriage" she said, i don't think it was meant to be funny, but we both laughed.

"im sorry too" i said

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