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Shannon POV:

Cari's alarm has gone off twice now, but for some reason it has only woken me up. I swear she would sleep through an earthquake.

"Cari, shut that thing off"

She just groaned, turned it off and continue to sleep.

5 minutes later she jumped out of bed in a panic

"shannon, why didn't you make me get up. why did you tell me to turn my alarm off, i need to go" she said annoyed

"it's like 8am, you don't have to be anywhere till 10, its fine"

i was now completely awake and sitting up in my bed, watching cari frantically run around our bedroom.

Once i told her what the time is she looked at me smirking.

"can we go get breakfast together if we have plenty of time?" she asked with her puppy eyes, like i was going to say no even without the eyes.

30 minutes later we were sat in a booth at a little bakery not too far from our house. it had become our favourite place to go together.

Soon enough it came to the time that cari had to leave, and it as just me sat in the booth. I had brought my laptop so i could do some work, and i had arranged to meet a potential wedding planner here in about an hour. 

I was deep into an email when i heard someone say my name


It took me a minute to realise what i was doing, i was a bit too focused on work.

"yes, sorry, busy morning, you must be Lucy, nice to meet you, please, have a seat"

i reached for her  hand as she sat down.

"Thanks for meeting me on such short notice, Cari and I aren't good at making decisions, and we live pretty busy lives, so it's difficult to settle down and discuss plans" i say sipping my coffee

"pleasure is all mine, that's why i'm here. Why don't you just give me the run down on you and Cari, your lives and the type of people you are, maybe a bit about your relationship, just so i can get a sense of you as people, then maybe run me through any ideas you have at all"

Half an hour went by and i just told a women i had never met before my whole life story, including Cari and I's love journey. i'd never discussed our relationship in that much depth before, also did i really chose to quarantine with my ex girlfriend? that just summarises how much love i have for this woman.

"wow, you and Cari definitely have the type of relationship they show in movies" lucy said smiling. she was taking notes on everything i had said, that was weird to me, it was like i was going to test her tomorrow on when Cari and i had our first kiss or who said i love you first.

We then moved on to any wedding ideas that we had, which didn't take long, as we didn't have many.

"Our relationship has been kept secret for pretty much the whole time we have been together, and with this wedding, we want to make a statement. By this i mean for both our relationship, but also to the whole of the LGBTQ+ community."

I kind of summarised a few meanings behind our wedding, and that we are planning to make a public announcement in some way or another after the wedding.

I also told her that i was planning on making a powerful wedding video, well obviously not me personally, as i'm in the wedding, but the videography and photography was taken care of.

We wrapped up the meeting after about an hour or so, and Lucy went away to pull together various mood boards and schemes for us to look at tomorrow.


Shannon POV:

Of course, cari was in our studio when Lucy arrived at our home to go through wedding ideas

"Hi Lucy, nice to see yo again." i said greeting her

"cari is just in the studio, she'll be here in a second. can i get you a drink?"

I quickly shot Cari a text and she appeared 2 minutes later as i was pouring us all some water

"hi, so sorry, i'm cari, nice to meet you" cari said running though the door and going over to greet Lucy.

All afternoon we just flew ideas back and forth and it was really productive. I could tell that cari was really excited.

It was soon dark and Lucy had left for the day. We had decided on a lot of what we wanted it was now just a case of booking things and sending out 'save the dates'

"that was so good baby, i'm so excited" cari said whilst hugging me from behind when we were seeing Lucy out.

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