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Shannon POV:

"Jess, do you want anything from the store? I'm heading to Amelia's to pick up my camera and a few other things because i left them there yesterday, and am stopping at the store on the way back."

"No, i'm good, thanks, say hi to Amelia for me though, is she coming out with us tonight?

"No actually, i don't think either of us are going to come, i'm quite tired, we will probably give it a miss."

Jess looked at me, furrowing her brow. We both knew it wasn't because i was tired. Cari flew back in from her tour a few days ago, and although no one had mentioned it, there was a high chance she was going to be out with everyone tonight, since Alex was also going to be there.

It wasn't that i didn't want to see her, because i do, i really do, i just don't think i'm ready.

When we broke up it broke me for a while, it really did, i was the lowest i've ever been, and now i'm finally building back up, and i don't want anything to get in the way.

I'm happy with Amelia, i love her, but she's just not Cari, and i know that deep down, and i don't know what seeing her again would do.

"Alright, suit yourself, it would be cool if you came though, just let me know."

"yep, i will, thanks, see you later"

I grabbed my keys and headed to Amelia's. She lived in an apartment with her best friend Alfie,  he was great. Him and Amelia had grown up together, Amelia first described him to me as the two best friends that everyone thought were dating, which didn't really fill me with much confidence, but we instantly got along.

I try not to constantly compare it to my previous relationship, but the dynamic was exactly like that of Alex, Cari and I.


I was halfway to Am's when Alfie rang, i knew what he was going to ask before i had even answered:

"coffee, yup, already on it"

"haha you got it, love you, can you pick up three? one for me, Amelia, and Alice, moneys already in your account, see you in a bit"

"ah, Alice, flavour of the month? yep, see you in 10" i joked, Alfie was constantly seeing different girls, major commitment phobe.


Cari POV: 

Fuck, i could sleep for days, i swear i haven't gotten a full nights sleep in the last 9 months. thats tour life for you.

"Alex! Alex!" i shouted

"what, what's wrong?" she came running, looking concerned

"oh, no, nothing, i just don't think i can move, i have missed my bed."

"did you want me or?" Alex looked unimpressed

"I'm gone for 9 months and you already have attitude, missed you too. no, there was no reason, i just missed you."

"i'm in the middle of an episode of the Bachelor! you didn't even give me a chance to pause it, i'm missing it." alex said, turing back and leaving my room

"you should probably get out of bed, by the way, we have things to do this afternoon" she shouted behind her

"ughhhhh, i don't want to move"

I heaved myself out of bed, it wasn't easy, and headed to the bathroom for a shower.


"what's the plan for today then, Alex"

"We are going for lunch with Carter and a few others, then tonight i think we are going for drinks with Jess and Meg and everyone. You're in high demand! the people have missed you"

"..Jess and Meg.. and everyone? does that include-"

Alex cut me off "Shannon was supposed to be coming, but Jess texted saying she bailed, but who knows, she might appear. Would it be good or bad if she appeared?"

I really didn't know how to answer that question. I have taken the time since out break up to do all the things i said i would do. i know Shannon is seeing someone else now, and i'm happy for her, i'm glade she's been able to move on, but i guess a part of me had hoped she'd wait, as stupid as that sounds, i still love her.

"Well i'm probably going to have to see her sooner or later. Have you seen her? How is she?" 

I sat down on the sofa, bracing myself for this conversation.

"she was in a really bad place after the breakup, you know, she cut everyone off and moved to New York, but she's happy now, and, i know you didn't explicitly ask, but yes, i've met Amelia, and she's nice, i like her"

"its hard, you know, its hard to hear that she was in a bad place, but it's good to know that she's happy now, i'm happy for her"

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