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Shannon POV

All i could think about was Cari and the Fletcher family, they welcomed me into the family with open arms and were such a big part of my life, i hope everything is okay. 

I love Mr Fletcher like a father, he loved me like a daughter and it was painful just thinking about the possibilities.

I was lying on the sofa, cuddling with Amelia when my phone rang, it was Cari. Amelia gave me a weird look after noticing who it was, but i wasn't not going to answer it.

"Cari, how are you, how is your dad?"

Even through a phone, i could tell that cari wast trying her best to hold back tears, just in the cracking of her voice.

"i'm sorry fro calling, i didn't know what else to do. he's not great, they are still running tests, but its not looking good"

She couldn't finish her sentence, she broke down.

"what can i do cari, what do you need"

"i know it's wrong and i shouldn't, but all i want is you by my side, there is no one else who i need right now"

"i'll be there, cari, for you, and for the family, your dad was like a father to me too, i want to be there for you all."

Amelia looked at me as soon as i said that, i had kind of forgotten that she was still here, listening, but i didn't feel bad.

"i'll be on the first flight tomorrow morning, okay? It's okay, cari, i'll see you soon"

I hung up, knowing that Amelia would have some interesting things to say about this.

"you can't seriously be flying out to see your ex girlfriend like that" she said, angrily, standing up from her position on the sofa.

"the Fletcher's are family, Cari needs me, so yes i am"

"what if i need you"

"what, need me for what, what could you possibly need me for that's more important" i was starting to raise my voice.

"i'm leaving and that's that, and if you try to stop me this is over, we are over, Amelia"

"it was over the minute she stepped back in your life, we didn't stand a chance"

I grabbed my things and walked out the door, practically running into Alfie on my way out

"woah slow down, where are you going in a hurry, i just bought beer"

i ignored him and got in my car. i couldn't drive off fast enough


When i got home i just collapsed on the sofa. i think after all that i was just angry at myself.

"i wasn't expecting you here tonight" jess said, coming to see what the door slam was all about

"yeah, neither was i, but i think Amelia and i just broke up"

"oh shit, really? why? are you okay"

"i dont know how i feel, it was because of Cari, but i think it was over for me before cari. We want different things, i want marriage, kids, a family, shes not there yet. But Cari rang me while i was there, she was a mess, so i'm flying out to be with her tomorrow. Amelia doesnt think i should go"

"i mean, i can understand both of your perspectives, and you have always said that you are ready to settle, even before cari was back. i dont know, i think it was gonna happen sooner or later, whether cari was in the picture or not."

"i'm not gonna stress about it now, i'm more focused on Cari and her family, i want to be there for her.

"what's going on between you and cari? did amelia have a right to be annoyed?"

"no, no, nothing is going on, nothing has happened, i just have so much love for her, and that is never just gonna go away. but i dont know, i just want to be there for her, and i don't know what that means."

everything i was telling jess was true. i had no idea what this meant, for me and Amelia, or me and Cari. all i knew was that cari was hurting, and it was my job to ease that pain.

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