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Shannon POV

It was a few hours later and out guests should be arriving any minute now.

"Are you ready to christen this place Jess?"

"yes, i'm so ready"

"Cheers to our not-so-new-new home, and to our friendship"

Just as we cheersed our first guests arrived, it was Amelia and Alfie.

"Hey baby glad you could make it" i said opening the door and greeting my girlfriend with a kiss

"i missed you" she replied as we headed to the kitchen

Before everyone else had arrived, Amelia caught me alone

"hey, baby, sorry for the past few days, i just had so much going on in my head but i'm all good now"

"oh, yeah, i'm sorry for not being there for you if you were struggling with stuff, are you sure your good now"

"yes, i'm good, and don't worry, i kinds just took a few days for myself, but i'm glad you didn't go anywhere"

I leaned in to kiss her and it became kind of passionate kiss, so much so that we didn't notice lot's more guests arrive, including Cari. 

When we pulled away i saw Cari out of the corner of my eye and felt bad, she had to walk in and watch her ex girlfriend making out with someone else, i would hate to be in her position.

"i'm gonna go say hi to a few people" i said as i let go of my girlfriend and made my way over to Amy and Jess, knowing that if i made a straight B line to Cari and Alex it would of been obvious.

As the night went on i noticed that Amelia kind of stuck to me like a post it note, not really giving me a chance to speak to Cari alone.

I did briefly introduce them though, but it was awkward and didn't last long.

Cari POV:

"Fuck Alex why didn't you tell me Amelia was so pretty"

"she might be pretty but she's following Shan around like a puppy"

I spent the night moving around and talking to everyone, except for Shannon. She did come over and introduce Amelia and I but that was awkward and ended quickly

It was getting late which meant it was time for the ritual sing song, i knew this because Jess and Shannon were stood on chairs trying to get the guitar off the wall, and everyone was chanting and getting excited.

After 5 minutes of trying, they finally managed to get the guitar down, and Shannon started chanting. 

"Cari Cari Cari"

"for old times sake?"

She handed me the guitar and i took my place on the sofa with Shannon next to me

"do i get a big introduction or anything?"

"oh shit, by bad, i forgot. For one night only, ladies and gentlemen, and probably the next 15 Shannon and Jess gatherings to come, so not really one night only, for old times sake, the one and only Fletcher"

Everyone cheered and shannon threw me a wink as she sat down next to me. it felt like we were still together and i got major flashbacks to 5 years ago when we would do this almost every friday night.


"Alright, one more, any requests?"

Amy, Jess and Alex all shouted wasted youth, so thats what i sang, even though i could sense Shannon's discomfort, because i knew her so well, but also because i was feeling it too.

It's my life
If I'm gonna waste it
Gonna waste it on you
It's my life
If I'm gonna waste it
I'll be wasted on you

Everybody cheered as i finished

"we have missed you Fletch!" Jess shouted

"Good to have you back" said amy

"I'm glad you haven't forgotten us now that you're a big shot" meg giggled

I stood up, and went to hand the guitar back to Shannon, but she stopped me, and whispered 

"can you play Can't help falling in love"

i didn't really know what to think of this, that was our song, the amount of times that we have danced around to it, i've lost count. We also said that it was going to be our first dance song, when we got married, that aged well.

"one last song request from yours truly over here, your host shannon beveridge everybody"

"This is can't help falling in love"

after i finished i stood up and quickly decided that this was my queue to leave. i had tears in my eyes and the alcohol wasn't doing my emotions any good.

"Thanks fro having us jess and shannon, it was a great night, i'll see you all soon" i said before hugging them both and getting in the Uber with Alex.

Why the fuck did i sing that.

Why the fuck did Shannon request it.

I was so mad at myself, and at her, what was going on.

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