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Cari POV

I was wide awake. Had i just told shannon that i wanted to marry her? did i even mean that? i dont even know what to think.

i just need to focus on my dad. the doctors said they were gonna try and wake him up tomorrow, which i guess is a good thing.

i was tossing and turning all night, and i could hear shannon moving about too, our rooms were next to each other, but i didn't want to disturb her i figured she had some things to think about like me.


"rise and shine"

shannon had burst in my room, i think expecting me to be awake, but i was still fast asleep.

i just grumbled, i was never a morning person, shannon of all people should remember that.

"we have to get to the hospital, cari, the doctor rang, they want to wake your dad up as soon as we can get there, they have seen a massive improvement"

as soon as those words left her mouth i jumped out of bed, forgetting that i was wearing nothing but underwear, making shannon suddenly turn around, and me feel awkward.

"shit, sorry, you just excited me" we both laughed

"just hurry up, your mom and bob are leaving in 10 minutes, so if you're ready we will go with them, or we will just drive seperatley." shannon said, leaving the room without turning around.

"i'll be waiting downstairs, coffee to go?"

"yes please, i'll be as quick as i can"

quick wasn't really a word in my vocabulary, we both knew that. Mom and bob had left by the time i got downstairs, and i was in a bad mood because i had been woken up. it wasn't even early, it was 10:30am.

"took your time" shannon smiled

"we both know i don't do quick"

"we better get going, they're waiting" shannon said handing me my coffee and picking up the keys

"so you're driving"

"figured cari fletcher and driving at 10:30am isnt a good combo. Don't need another fletcher in the hospital"


"shit, too soon?"

"too soon" we both laughed.


At the hospital mom and Bobby were waiting with the doctor and a few nurses, ready to take out the intubation.

"this could take a few hours, it's not an instant process, so be patient"

"cari practicing patience, that i'd like to see" shannon said putting her arm around me

Everyone laughed, it was good to lighten the mood, i was glad shannon was here, although i sensed some interesting looks from Bob and Mom concerning shannons arm placement.

the doctor said it could take a while, and it did. Almost 7 hours later, we notices some slight movement in dad's fingers, and sure enough, minutes later, he was able to string a sentence together.


Dad was still weak, but he was able to hold short conversations and he was on the road to recovery.

He got tired very quickly and had to learn to do a lot of things, like walking, from scratch, which was a great anger to him.

After talking with him and the doctor for a while, it was time to head home.

In the car ride back home, i started to feel guilty for keeping Shannon here. My dad was going to be okay now, i didn't want her to feel like she couldn't leave.

"you can go back to LA now, i'll be fine here, Dad is going to be okay, i'm not gonna call you having a mental breakdown anytime soon" i laughed to play this conversation off, and to hide my nerves.

"yeah, okay, if you don't want me here, i can go"

"no, it's not that i don't want you here, you can stay, i want you to stay, i just dont want to keep you from anything in LA"

"yeah? i can stay, because i want to, if that's okay. i don't want you to go through this on your own, or anything on your own. wait, can we make a stop quickly?"

"yeah, i guess? what do you need, there is a CVS just up here, will that do?"

As soon as i pulled the car over, Shannon jumped out in a hurry, she looked excited. She didn't take long but came back with a bag of chips.

"you made me stop for chips? we have chips at home"

"yeah, chips and this..."

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