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Cari POV

I had just come out of a meeting with the label. They want me to go on tour again.

My last tour was a year ago now, and it did so well, and my social media is blowing up with requests for me to go back on tour.

I know this is the right move for my career, but not for my relationship.

I put my career first once, i'm not going to do it again, i can't lose shannon again.

"It's obviously up to you, cari, but we think it is a really good move, and i know you have your wedding coming up and you and shannon are in a good place, so just talk it over with her and let me know" john said as we walked back to our cars

i didn't reply. i didn't really know how to feel.

Should i be mad that they are putting this kind of pressure on me?

Should i be happy that they are trying to make me the best artist i can be?

it was all a bit much

i took the long route home, trying to figure out what i tell Shannon.

I wanted to just not tell her, and skip tour all together and pretend it was never mentioned, but we promised to be honest with eachother.

Going on tour would not interfere with our wedding, but it would mean our honeymoon would be cancelled

I pulled up to the house and sat in my car for 5 minutes, avoiding going inside. 

It wasn't shannon i was avoiding. it was the conversation. I knew that she would figure out a way to make it all possible, but deep down that wouldn't be what she wanted. She's a people pleaser, and i know she's scared of losing me again, so she will try her best to say what she thinks i want to hear.

As i opened the door shannon was sat on the couch watching tv. Her face lit up as soon as i entered, and mine did too.

"hey, i didn't hear your car. I missed you" she said, welcoming me with a hug.

I returned the hug and gave her a kiss on the cheek before dropping my bag on the table and heading to the kitchen to grab some water.

"how was your meeting" she asked

She wasn't really paying attention, she was too engrossed in the TV.

I sat down next to her and turned the TV off to get her attention. She looked at me questioningly.

"they've asked me to go back on tour, 2 days after the wedding"

we both looked at each other, neither of us really knowing what to say.

"well if you want to go, and if you think thats whats best for you and your career right now, i'm not going to stop you, we can just delay our honeymoon or arrange something else." she said gripping my hand, although i knew this wasn't what she really wanted

"don't try and say what i want to hear, please baby, i love you, if you don't want me to go, i won't, don't feel like you would be stopping my career or anything"

"well i obviously want this honeymoon, its all we both have talked about since the beginning, but i don't want it to get in the way of your career. I don't know, is there not a way we can do both? our honeymoon can be your tour" she smiled

"honeymoon on a tour bus? do you remember our LANY tour, maybe not" 

"i loved that tour, every minute of it. i got to watch you doing what you loved and i was right by your side the whole way. Let's sleep on it and talk about it tomorrow, when do you have to make a decision?"

"i don't know, a few days probably" i said curling up into Shannon's arms on the sofa, i was tired from my long day and so fell asleep.

Shannon POV:

I was so scared that i was going to lose Cari again. What is even the right thing to do in this situation.

Let her go and push back our plans? Stop her from going and have her resent me even though she said she wouldn't? Either way there is no happy ending for both of us

i knew this might not seem like a big deal to some people. But this honeymoon was something that we have talked about from the first month that we started dating. this was both of our dream

Cari had fallen asleep on me on the sofa, reminding me of how much i loved her.

I looked down at my phone to see a text from Jess

Jess: What r u and Fletch doing, can i come over?

Me: Yes, come over whenever. Can you pick up some beer? Cari asleep on the sofa so don't knock, just come straight in.

30 minutes later Jess and I were sat in the kitchen discussing what i should do over the tour dilemma over a beer.

Cari was still asleep. I somehow managed to remove myself from under her on the sofa without waking her.

"i just want to marry her, have the honeymoon of our dreams and go on tour with her, and live happily ever after like in fairytales, why is it not that simple" i questioned as if jess had all of the answers

"you said it yourself, you enjoy touring with Cari, would this really be that big of a deal?"

"no, it wouldn't, we would have plenty of opportunity to go on this holiday again. But i think cari will feel like its not what i want or that im just saying that to please her"

Just as i said that, cari emerged from her nap.

"oh hey jess, didn't know you were here" she said, wiping her eyes, still half asleep

"we are just discussing the tour dilemma" i said

"oh, any conclusions been made?" she questioned

"we think tour would be a good idea."

Cari grabbed a beer and looked at me like i was mad

"Yes, i want to go on our honeymoon, but we can do that later, is there actually a written rule saying that it has to be done straight after your wedding? Touring is fun, and touring with my wife will be even better, as long as im with you, i don't care. We will be travelling and seeing places so it's really not that big of a deal"

She didn't say anything, just hugged me

"Can you two hurry up and get married already, i want to party" jess said, ruining the moment, i had kind of forgotten she was there if im honest.

We spent the rest of the day going back and forth between tour, with Jess being the middle man, but ultimately think that we decided it would be an okay idea to go.

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