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Shannon POV:

Last night i got the worst night sleep ive gotten in weeks. Partly because cari wasn't next to me, and partly because i today i was going to see Amelia.

it was about 10am, so i texted Cari good morning, she had a busy day of meeting ahead of her, but i was going to meet up with her later tonight.

I had texted Amelia a few days ago saying i was coming back to town and that we should probably talk. it wasn't my idea but cari insisted, saying something along the lines of needing a clean slate.

I got a reply from cari just as i was leaving the house

Fletch: Morning baby! just finished one meeting, heading to another, also couldn't sleep last night so did some house hunting, check ur emails. Have fun today.

i got in my Uber and headed to the coffee shop that i had agreed to meet Amelia at, mutual ground. i wasn't nervous, i just didn't really want to do it, i felt bad.

we pulled up and i saw Amelia already sat through the window. she made eye contact with me as i got out of the car, and i smiled shyly.


An hour later and i was leaving the coffee shop. It was a difficult conversation, but Amelia was great, thats what made it so hard i think.

She was mad at first, and made some good points, but ultimately she was happy for me, it just upset me that i spent 6 months with her when i obviously was in love with someone else, it wasn't fair on her.

i'm just glad we have ended on good terms, and we can both get on with our lives.


When i got home i opened up the links that Cari had sent me about possible houses.

Who does she think shes marrying?! Fucking Bill Gates? All the houses she sent me were a bit out of our price range, unless she's been sitting on some buried treasure and has forgot to mention it.

I dropped her a text 

Did you forget to mention that you'd robbed a bank in the last 4 years? These houses.... Cari... let's be realistic pls.

she was in a meetings so i knew she wouldn't reply.

after skimming over Cari's unrealistic future, i had a look for myself.

i found a few nice ones and decided to book us in for some viewings tomorrow, so that we can ground cari a bit - hopefully


Cari POV:

"remind me to do zoom meetings or something next time im out of town, can't be doing these 3 hour meetings at my age, i need my afternoon snack and nap" i said to John. we had just left our final meeting of the day, it was now 8pm

I looked at my phone to see a few texts from Shannon. the first saying her coffee with Amelia went well, the next complaining about my house choices, then one saying she's booked us into some open houses, and another complain that she misses me.

She's too cute.

i quickly headed back to my place and changed before driving to Shannon's.

I had to knock, that seemed unnatural

"what are you doing, come in cari, you don't have to knock" shannon shouted from inside, obviously too lazy to move from whatevr she was doing

"i can't, stupid. its locked and i don't have a key."

"oh, right, coming" i could hear her slippers drag on the floor as she scurried towards the door

she opened it up and planted the biggest kiss on my lips and wrapped her arms around me. she pulled me into her house and shut the door, pushing me up against it

"woah, when are you moving out again? can we speed that up please" jess said emerging from her room and making us all laugh.


Shannon POV:

Tonight we were going to have a movie night. i was trying to make the most of living with Jess, i was going to miss it.

"cari don't drink that, you're going to regret it in the morning"

"don't tell me what to do"

cari looked me directly in the eyes as she took the shot. i then rolled my eyes, which didn't go down well. i went to kiss her and she swerved me majorly.

"hey, what was that for"

she didn't reply and sat on the sofa, leaving me and jess in the kitchen confused.

"i should probably go fix that one" i whispered to jess who nodded in response

"is that the time, i'm gonna go rest my eyes for 10 minutes, i'll come back once the waters have calmed"  jess said jokingly

i laughed

"baby, i only didn't want you to take a shot because i know what you're like hungover, and we have a busy day tomorrow" i said putting my arm around her.

she looked really upset, which i couldn't really understand, this wasn't the first time i had told her not to drink anymore.

"no, it's not that" she replied, shanking my arm

"well what is it then"

she shrugged, silently.

i could feel myself losing my temper, but i had to keep my cool.

"cari, i can't help if i don't know"

"i know."

she paused, and i assumed but she was going to say something more, but no.

"i'm gonna go to bed" she said, kissing me on the forehead before she left

"cari, it's not even 10pm, what are you doing going to bed"

she didn't answer me.

i was left alone on the sofa, not knowing what i had done wrong, and not knowing how to fix it.

Jess emerged out from her room 10 minutes later

"has the storm calmed down"

"no, just moved to a different room"

"huh, where has she gone?" jess questioned

"to bed"

both of us were equally as confused, but we continued on with the night, just the two of us.

if there was one thing i knew about cari, was that she needs her space from time to time. it would of made it worse if i followed her upstairs.

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