"What did I just say about thanking your friends? " Shino scolded.

"Don't be so hard on him Shino"

Shino sighed when Momo entered the conversation. Seems she had just arrived. Shino looked away in a childish pout and folded her arms over her chest.

"He needs to stop thanking us"

Momo giggled and fixed Shino's half done tie. Apparently the girl was too lazy to tie it properly.

"Don't be a child"

Shino tugged at the tie at her neck and slumped into her chair.

"Whatever you say"

"Hello Shihiro"

"Yo Tsu, Ren. "

Ren waved meekly. "G-good morning"

"Iida are you ok!? " Ochako appeared out of nowhere and worriedly inspected Iida's broken arm.

Shino smiled as she watched her friends interact. She had gathered a number of close friends. It was nice having people you can trust.

"You guys are amazing. You really went up against and defeated the hero killer" Kaminari said excitedly as he started to question Izuku and Sora.

"We got into trouble" Shoto said in a monotone voice. His father didn't take to lightly to that. He could care less. He was sick and tired of him and wanted out. Living in his house just made him depressed. Too many bad things happened there. Too many bad memories. He wanted to get away from it.

"That's not fair" Toru seemed a bit angry as she said that. "You guys did what the pros couldn't. Why does it matter that you're not legal heroes? "

"There are rules. It matters not what they achieved. Rules were broken and there are consequences. We may not like it but that's the way it is" Tsu, ever the logical one, voiced in her broken speech pattern.

"Rules" Jiro muttered as she had her head on her desk. She was sucking on one of her earphone jacks as she thought things over. "At least they could have showed some gratitude"

"Adults" is all Mina said with a shrug.

Kirishima said nothing and just sat uncharacteristically quiet in his seat. He was contemplating a lot. Shino and her group went up against the hero killer. The man killed heroes. They had to have guts to go up against him. He stared down at his desk. He would have never been courageous enough to do such a thing.

Shino looked up when she heard the bell. She rolled her lollipop in her mouth as she stood from her desk and moved to the front of the class.

"Alright you know the drill"

Everyone saluted and took their seats. Shino smiled. She loved her class.

"Seeing as our teacher is Aizawa we have around ten minutes of free time" Shino continued as she took place behind Aizawa's podium. "We've all had an interesting week with the internships and the villain attack and what not. We Have all grown or matured or discovered something about ourselves. We all learned from those who strive to protect"

Her classmates smiled. It's just like Shino to give some form of speech whenever they went through something.

"Ochako, what did you learn during your internship under Gunhead? "

Ochako pumped her fist with an intense look on her face.

"We may be heroes and strive to protect, but most often than not, violence is required and a hero must know how to handle themselves when push comes to shove"

"Kirishima, what did you learn from Fourth kinds? "

Kirishima sat straight in remeberance of what was drilled into him.

"Proper manners. A hero must always be polite and set a good example for others. It's the true meaning of chivalry! "

Shino chuckled at the last part.

"Ren, what about you? How was your internship under Missprint? "

Ren was red in the face as she tried to answer. She was stuttering but closed her eyes and take a deep breath.

"She taught me that it's alright to be afraid. Being afraid doesn't make you unworthy. It is when you refuse to conquer your fears that your job as a hero will be truly worthless"

Everyone looked to the shy girl. She didn't stutter and while her face was still red she was smiling happily. It was nice seeing her a little less uncomfortable around people. She's still the shy girl they know and love but she's coming into her own.

"Akio? "

The boy looked up and Shino raised an eyebrow. "It is a hero's job to protect. A hero must always make people feel safe and at ease around them. If you always have a serious look on your face and serious air around you , people are less likely to feel at ease around you. Sometimes it is good to just cut back and crack a couple jokes here and there. It does not mean you do not take your job seriously "

He had learned a lot from Toy Master. He was a laid back guy. While he didn't come off as the type to take his job seriously he does his very best. When the situation calls for it he can be as serious as anybody. Akio had seen how he interacts with those he saves. He always makes them laugh by cracking some joke. He would give the little ones some toys to distract them. They felt at ease.

Shino was smiling. She was proud of her classmates.

"It's only been a week but we learned a lot, didn't we? "

"Yeah! "Kaminari cheered , to everyone's amusement.

"It has been a tough week. I know for a fact that I went through some troublesome situations and I would like to have some fun"

Everyone brightened, Already knowing where Shino was taking things.

"You are all invited to have some fun at my place. It is my job as class president to make sure you guys stay happy after all"

"Yeah! "This time Kirishima joined Kaminari. "I'll beat you this time Bakubro"

"I told you to stop calling me that, Shitty Hair! "

"Watch your mouth, Katsuki"

The door to their class slid open and in trudged a tired Aizawa and a smiling Nemuri. When the woman saw Shino she immediately teleported to her side.

"Shino, I feel as if I haven't seen you for so long"

Shino wore a blank expression as she was pulled into a tight hug. She sighed when her face was crushed between Nemuri's mounds of flesh. She could practically feel the jealousy rolling off some of the boys.

"I need to breathe, you know that right? "

Nemuri only giggled and released Shino from the hug. She planted a soft kiss on her forehead and ruffled her hair.

"I missed you kid. We should hang out more"

Shino chuckled.

"Feel free to drop by later"

"I just might. We have a lot to talk about " Nemuri glanced at Momo when she said that. Shino did as well and they chuckled.

Momo didn't like that at all.

"Shino, why do you have to embarrass me? "

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