"This is awesome! What about you Izuku? "

"Shut up Sora" Shino rubbed her temples in annoyance. Why did Sora have to be so loud? With a low moan of annoyance Shino retrieved a lollipop to settle her growing headache and calm her.

"The lava hero Magnus" Izuku was oddly calm about it as he scribbled down in his notebook. "I'm choosing him. I can get a chance to analyze his quirk"

"When you do that hand me the notes. I want to learn the secrets of his quirk. I already cracked a couple of factors, like his ability to not only create, but also turn into lava. The science behind it all is amazing" Shino's mood took a complete turn once she delved into the science behind quirks. She's absolutely fascinated by the study and enjoys breaking down any quirk she knows of. Her greatest science project is her own quirk. It's so intricate and hard to understand that even after studying a massive amount of quirks she wasn't even past the starting line.

"If you're over your science talk let me get a look at your list"

Sora didn't even wait for a response. Izuku leaned over his shoulder to get a look at the long list. His eyes grew round in shock and admiration while Sora only grinned brightly. Soon enough Katsuki decided to join and took a look at the list.

"What's with this list? "He asked annoyed.

Shino didn't answer. She wasn't even paying attention to them anymore. She had spotted the lonesome Shoto and remembered their bet.

"Shoto. Don't choose your father " Shino shot him a look when she caught him staring staring at his father's name. "You're supposed to be over him. You can not intern under him"

Shoto knew Shino was right. He should choose someone else to further prove to his father that he is his own person and doesn't have to fulfill his lost dream. But he didn't know who to choose. He didn't even know what type of hero he wanted to be. He was only now starting to except and find himself. There were so many questions he wanted answered. He knew no one could him with. Those are questions he has to find the answer to himself.

"I suggest Helios" Shino pointed out her father's hero name. "You want to find yourself. Find your motive for being a hero. He can certainly help you with that " Shino was very confident her father could be of service. He's a true Problem solver. "You have no choice. I came out the victor and as such you do one thing I say"

"Fine" Shoto knew Shino would not let up so he really had no choice.

"Shino! Don't just ignore us! "

Shino flinched when Katsuki yelled and adjusted her earphone.

"What is it? "

"I'm asking you. what's up with your list? "

"I don't see anything wrong with it" Shino looked at the paper confused. "What are you even talking about? "

"Your list is full of super high end heroes! You might as well have been nominated by every important hero in the city" Sora cleared up surprisingly quietly.

"Practically every hero wants you. Rescue heroes. Battle heroes. Containment heroes. Every type of hero wants you" Izuku beamed happily. "That is so amazing "

Shino looked over her list casually as if she hadn't noticed. She didn't find it such a big deal.

"I'm pretty adaptable" Shino shrugged. "I'm supposed to be the hero suited for any situation, remember? "

"Your ability to stay so casual about it insults me"

"I really don't care about you right now. You've been very inconsiderate the entirety of the morning "

"Who are you going with, Shihiro? "

Tsu suddenly joined the conversation. Izuku jumped having failed to notice her approach. He was either too distracted or ah was that incognito. Despite the lack of any emotional on her face or in her eyes Shino could tell that she was genuinely curious and impressed.

"Lightning hero Astrape"

Kaminari did a spit take when he heard that and practically teleported to Shino's side.

"Astrape? The Astrape? The second highest ranking female hero and lightning goddess? "

Apparently Kaminari was a fan. A massive fan. He knew practically everything about her.

"There are rumors that she and Helios have a kid"

"Is that so? "Shino decided to humor him. "Tell me more"

Turns out the rumor is spot on. It is even said that they have a daughter. People really are nosey.

Shino eventually extracted herself and approached Momo who was conversing with Tsu and Ren.

"Hey girls. Mind if I ask what you're talking about? "Shino asked as she leaned against the nearest wall? "

"Nothing really. Just talking about our internships " Momo answered and stared down at her list. "My List consist of 99% female heroes"

"And you're choosing? " Shino asked as she looked over the list.

"I'm not sure"

"Ok, well you want to gain experience right? "

"Yes of course"

"Then it is best to intern with a hero who can give you that experience " Tsuyu stated, receiving a nod from Shino.

"Not someone who will teach you about fan appeal and how to generally be a model" Shino said reffering to Uwabami. "And not someone who will just let you do small errands " this time it was Mt.Lady. "You need someone like Misprint. Lady Luck. Calico and the likes"

At the mention of Missprint Ren visibly brightened. Everyone noticed and turned their attention to her. When she noticed she went so red steam was coming from her ear.

"So you're a fan? "

Ren nodded meekly. "I-I really l-l-look up to her" she muttered quietly.

"I can understand that. Your quirks have some similarities" Shino said logically.

"She's a-amazing. She's very brave and n-not afraid of anything. And she's really good with kids. I just really want to be like her"

Shino noted the stutters decreased when the smaller girl talked about her hero. She still had that massive blood on her face though. She looked really small and fragile. And Shino just wanted to protect her.

Ren jumped when Shino petted her head affectionately with a huge smile on her face.

"From this day onward I deem you my younger sister and shall protect you from this cruel world " Shino said dramatically before abruptly turning to Tsu and petted her head as well. She seemed to actually enjoy the action. "You as well Tsu! "

"Ribbit? "

"Shino" Momo sighed. "You're being overdramatic "

"Momo they're so cute. I must protect them" Shino saId determined. "And Jiro Too. She's a rare species"

"I'm a rare what now? "Jiro interjected hearing the conversation.

"You are a rare species and I shall protect you" Shino was determined.

"I've see you've made it a goal"


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