The kiss set Momo in a state of bliss. She was disappointed when it ended so soon. Shino was teasing her. There was light amusement in those eyes and her lips curled higher.

She leaned in again. Planting another gentle kiss to those pink lips. This kiss was firmer, but still kept it's softness. Momo's hands slipped from Shino's shoulder to wrap around her neck and pull her closer. Their lips moved against each other in a slow rhythm. There was no rush. They had plenty of time. For the moment they just enjoyed it.

Shino reveled at the feel of Momo's breath on her skin. She loved how soft her lips were. How she tasted of the chocolate she had consumed earlier. She loved the little moan Momo let out when she lightly bit her bottom lip. She loved how Momo refused to let go even when they parted.

Shino sighed happily as she hugged Momo tightly. She'll always enjoy her company. She noted that Momo is a bit more clingy now. Not like she cared. She'll take full advantage of it.

Momo mumbled something against Shino's skin. The car had stopped signaling that they arrived at their destination.

"It seems we're here" Shino announced as she gently slid out from under Momo. Momo whined at the loss of contact making Shino laugh. "Come now, don't be like that" Shino quickly pulled on her sneakers and kissed Momo on the cheek as a form of apology before climbing out of the car.

Momo sighed and followed after her.

Shino pocketed her hands as she informed the hospital of her visit. It took some time since they weren't sure if Shino was a friend.

In a few minutes the two stood outside white doors. Being in a hospital sure brought back memories. How long had it been since Shino visited the white walls. She didn't dwel on it too long. She rapt on the door and only stepped in after getting verbal consent.

The only ones in the room were Tenya, the doctor and the injured elder Iida. Tenya looked completely broken as he stood by the bedside. He could only watch as his brother suffered.

"The doctor says he'll never be able to do hero work again" the younger Iida was clencing his teeth in anger. "They disabled his legs"

Shino's mouth was a thin line as she watched the doctor work. She toyed with the bottle in her pocket as she realized that her parents could end up in the same state if they're unlucky enough. She shut her eyes tightly and let out a long breath. The pain that shot through her at that thought was worse than any physical pain. She didn't like to think of such things. Her parents are strong, almost overpowered. They could handle any situation. Right?

The room was quiet until the doctor left. Once he was out of the room Shino retrieved the bottle from her pocket. She stepped up to the sick bed and stared down at the unconscious form of the engine hero. Tenya resembled him so much. She could see that they were brothers.

"Iida" Shino never took her eyes away from the crippled hero. "Did he ever regain consciousness? "

"Yes, a couple of times"

Shino opened the bottle of pills and retrieved a lone candy like blood red pill

"Whenever he wakes up make sure he eats this" she handed the small pill to Tenya. "It'll help"

"What is it? "

"A special pill" Shino didn't seem to want to tell him anymore than that. She finally looked away from the injured man. Looking at him only made her think of the danger her parents were in on the daily basis.

There was a knock at the door.

"Come in"

In stepped Izuku and Ochako. Izuku smiled awkwardly at everyone present. He seemed very uncomfortable being in a hospital. Shino could understand his discomfort. The hospital smelled of antibiotics,cleaning materials, blood and the sick.

"Hey" Ochako greeted with a polite smile. "How's your brother? "

"He's stable, but his legs are... "

The room had a somber cloud hanging within. Shino leaned herself against the wall near the door as if to guard it. She pulled her scarf over her mouth, hiding her expression. She wasn't comfortable in the somber atmosphere. She avoided any form of negative thoughts as much as she could for her own reasons. Of course she was expecting the mournful mood when she decided to come see the older Iida. It's why she didn't plan on staying long.

Her gaze was focused on the floor a she tried to fight off the worry she suddenly felt. She never really worried about her parents until that moment. She was always confident of their abilities. But now. Now she remembered All For One. There are people out there who are stronger than her parents and it worried her.


Shino snapped out of her thoughts when Momo slipped a hand in hers.

"You shouldn't worry"

"I'm not worried" Shino lied

"That's a lie" Momo could see itex in her eyes. Shino knew how to hide emotions from her face but her eyes gave everything away. "You're worried about your parents "

Shino looked away, knowing there was no hiding her emotions from Momo.

"I guess I just realized that my parents are in an honorable line of work that bring with it great dangers. While I never worried before... " Shino sighed not wanting to finish her sentence. "I just..... Let's just go"

"You're leaving? "

"Yeah. I did what I came here to do and I'm not very comfortable in hospitals" Shino admitted. "Your brother will be better pretty soon, so hang in their Iida"

That was the last thing she said before stepping out of the room.

Momo followed after her. She still held onto her hand reassuringly as they fell into step. Shino's scarf was still concealing half her face, but Momo could see the thoughtful look in her eyes.

"What are you thinking about? "

"Future events "

One By MillionsWhere stories live. Discover now