Chapter 7: Rescue mission

Start from the beginning

Jusa: Shut off the bomb now.

Church: Oh sure, let me open my chest and cut the wire to defuse it yeah. The reds made it not me dumbass.

Jusa active his engery sword and grabs Church by the neck and slams him onto the wall and said.

Jusa: I will not ask you again you little demon! Your gonna disarm the bomb or I'll kill you right here right now!

Church: That's good. That way I could die for once.

Elite Guard 1: Sir we all do respect but if you do, the bomb will kill us all.

Jusa growls by this but that elite guard has a point. He throws Church to aside and he walks out of the cell as he said to his guards.

Jusa: Evacuate all troops to their troops ships and place this place on lock down once we're all escape.

Elite Guard 2: What about the Prisoners?

Jusa: They will die by their own bomb. Let's go.

Jusa and his two guards left as Robert try to stop them but the enemy shield block his way as he got pissed once again and slam his fist onto the enemy field.

Soon the three elites were gone leaving Robert, Church and Grif in the cell alone as they will die by the nuke in Churchs stomach.


It was snowy outside as we see both Ave and Y/n as they crawl onto the floor as they stop at the edge of the cliff to see Covenant base of SideWinder. Ave zoom in to see the Covenant are packing up their equipment, vehicles and weapons into the ship as she asked.

Ave: Why are they packing their stuff into their ships?

Y/n: They must of known about the nuke in Churchs stomach. We need to act fast.

Ave: Right. You know. I kinda miss this with you.

Y/n: Yep, same here.

The two crawled back and as soon they were in a safe place, they stand up and recoup with everyone else. Not only the Red's and Blues are there but also Ashley and the rest of the UNSC soldiers.

Cali, Remington and the rest turn to Y/n and Ave as they face everyone and Y/n start off saying.

Y/n: OK listen up. This mission is very dangerous so we need to be careful as possible. Here's the plan. A Team will drive up the cliffs with their tanks and take the Covenant out as a distract them. Team B and C will be on the ground to take out as much Covenant troops as possible. Reds and Blues will find their Spanish robot and O'Malley with the help with Sophie and Ashley. Me, Ave, Cali, Remington and the rest will head into the base and find Grif Robert and Church and get them out safely and disarm the nuke. We only have one shot of this so let's do our best, is that clear?

UNSC Soldiers: Sir yes sir!

Y/n: Alright, get your gears ready. Move out!

The UNSC soldier scramble to get their gears ready and weapons at the go. The Reds and Blues were surprised how organised they are as Sarge said.

Sarge: Whoa these Soldiers are very ready to face the danger within.

Simmon: I agree Sarge.

Donut: Still what's with all the greens? Why can't they be like us?

Caboose: You mean like more Caboose? (Gasp) that would be the best.

Tucker: Too bad Sheila can't come with us. She could of the help.

Sarge: Don't worry about her, I'm sure she'll be tough enough to survive the ageing. Besides we have more tanks then one.

Donut: That's true.

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