,,Oh, Harry," Tonks's soft voice answered from the door, "I can only imagine how hard it is for you."

,,That's okay, I'm used to it, "replied Harry, who turned slightly red, one thing is to discuss things with his father's old friend and his own former teacher but completely other thing is to talk about your feelings and problems with a twenty-five-year-old woman he barely knew.

,,Don't lie, young man, no one can be used to grief and guilt. Believe me, we all know that. "

Sirius nodded and then stepped closer to Harry, "You don't have to hide your emotions from us, Harry, and you don't have to stay strong in our eyes either. We know how you feel. And if you need to, all the members of the order are ready to listen to you and help."

 Harry smiled gratefully and said, "Thank you, I really appreciate it."

Sirius came up to him and hugged him hard," You don't have to thank any of us, the whole order is your family, Albus called us together to offer you support when you needed it, and even when the war is over, we are not going to give up our duty. Besides, I am your godfather and Remus is your uncle Moony. We are always by your side."

They walked out of the center, heading for the streets of London. All this time, they remained quite quiet, exchanging only a few words. But at one point, Tonks shouted out an unexpected suggestion, "Harry, you said that you wanted to be alone for a while. I think we can help you with that. Remus and I have a completely empty three-room apartment in central London. We haven't lived there for more than half a year, and I thought maybe you want to move there. It would be good if someone would keep an eye on the apartment, especially if we have no plans to move back there. "

,,You...you really mean that, Tonks?" Harry asked in surprise, his eyes wide behind his glasses.

,,Of course. We don't live there ourselves anyway, and we had a plan to keep this apartment for Teddy. This apartment will be empty for the next seventeen years, it would be nice if someone would take care of it in the meantime, even for a short time. "

,,I would love that, thank you,"

,,Come with us then, I'll give you the keys and we'll show you the apartment."


It was the night before the big gala and Remus couldn't sleep at all. He sat on the windowsill of himself and Dora's bedroom, reading a book with the help of moonlight, he couldn't focus on the book. It was almost midnight, and he was tired. He had had a difficult day, full of garden work and dealing with Teddy. He yawned widely, covering his mouth with his hand. Dora and Teddy both slept, Teddy's wooden cradle swaying quietly beside their bed, where Dora slept very sweetly and with beautiful pink curls, her mouth slightly open, her limbs spread all over the bed, burying more than half the area of the bed. He would have wanted to go and climb into bed next to her, pull her firmly against himself, and hold her in his arms all night, just as they always did. But he did not do so for fear that his lack of sleep might disturb her. She needed her sleep, and Remus didn't want to take it away from her. His fear of tomorrow was not the reason why she should not get the rest she deserved. The door creaked open, creating a slight crack, Remus looked at the door, seeing Sirius Junior walk into the room, and then softly jumped on the bed. The black cat stretched out before he climbed on Tonks's chest and lay down comfortably. His tiny soft paws massaged against Tonks' stomach, as if Junior was trying to make it more comfortable. Remus turned his head, looking out the window. Outside, the crescent moon shone in its wild beauty and mysterious glow. The world was so beautiful at night, Remus thought. Almost as beautiful as Dora in her dark gala dress, or Dora in her white wedding dress, or Dora holding cute Teddy in her arms. Night was almost as beautiful as Dora.

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