But Whiterose wasn't going to be bullied as she snapped back. "She escaped, yes, what was I supposed to do? Kill her?"

Darkstripe's tail lashed, his pelt spiking. "You didn't even scratch her!"

Whiterose shrugged. "Perhaps you should chase after the she-cat and ask her if it's true!"

Darkstripe looked ready to claw her, but he restrained as he retorted menacingly. "I don't need too, I saw your useless friend chase after her. Perhaps he'll be able to prove how badly she was scratched."

For the first time since they'd entered the battle Whiterose felt the chill of the wind. The gleam in Darkstripe's eyes hinted at a veiled threat. Had the dark warrior guessed about Graystripe's love for Silverstream. But Whiterose felt that Darkstripe wasn't that smart in the first place. Whiterose was still searching for words when Graystripe appeared, squeezing through the camp entrance.

"Look who's back," sneered Darkstripe. "Do you want to ask him how the she-cat is? No, wait, I can guess his answer; he'll just tell us he didn't manage to catch up with her." Not bothering to disguise the scorn in his eyes. Darkstripe glared right at her. "Normally I would report you to Tigerclaw, but since you're his mate he wouldn't listen to me – he doesn't act like he normally would. But I can tell you, I have my eyes on you. Both of you!" Darkstripe added, eyeing Fireheart who approached, and then abruptly turned and stalked away.

The orange warrior glared at Darkstripe's retreating form and then he and Whiterose looked over at Graystripe. Their friend's face was lined with exhaustion and worry. Fireheart and Whiterose both padded across the clearing to meet him. Would Graystripe still be resentful of Whiterose's interference? Would he be angry that Whiterose had tried to attack Silverstream, or grateful that she'd let her go?

Graystripe stood silently, his broad head hanging down.

Fireheart reached forward with his nose and gently touched his friend's cold, gray flank. Whiterose did the same and felt Graystripe's rumbling purr and looked up. Graystripe gazed back at her and Fireheart. His eyes were sad, but there was no trace of anger that Fireheart had seen in them lately.

"Is she okay?" Fireheart asked under her breath.

"Yes," whispered Graystripe. "And thanks for letting her go, Whiterose."

Whiterose blinked at him. "I'm glad she wasn't hurt," she meowed sincerely.

Graystripe held her gaze for a moment, then meowed, "Fireheart... Whiterose... you both were right. The battle wasn't easy. It felt like I was fighting Silverstream's Clan mates, not enemy warriors." He lowered his eyes, ashamed. "But I can't give her up."

The grey warrior's words filled Whiterose with foreboding, but she couldn't help sympathizing with her friend. "This is something you have to work out yourself," she meowed. "It's not our place to judge you." Graystripe looked up as Whiterose went on. "Graystripe, whatever you decide to do, I and Fireheart will always be your friends."

Graystripe stared at them, his eyes clouded with relief and gratitude. Then, without speaking, the three warriors laid down, side by side, in the unfamiliar clearing.

For the first time in moons, their fur was pressed together in friendship. Above them, the snow-heavy gorse offered them a brief shelter from the storm that raged over their heads. Whiterose's eyes closed briefly, and in her light sleep, she dreamed.

Whiterose opened her eyes in the starry forest once again, her eyes widening in fear. Off to the side she saw Goosefeather from her last dream, although he seemed to have his eyes set on the bright stars in the sky.

Uncertain on what to do, Whiterose padded over but a paw stopped her. It was Lionheart.

"You're not dead," he meowed, amused. "If that's what you're going to ask."

"What do you mean?" Whiterose asked, watching Goosefeather look from the bright stars to turn his mismatched blue and yellow eyes on her. "You are not ill, Whiterose," Goosefeather replied. "Far from it, actually. More loved ones are going to be born."

Lionheart chuckled a little bit as Whiterose's eyes widened.

"Not everything will happen the same way it had before. Be well Whiterose, for times of trouble are ahead."

Whiterose's eyes snapped open and she gasped.

The call of Tigerclaw's yowl had woken her, he must have seen to the other cats, and found them fit to travel again.

Whiterose scrambled to her paws, Graystripe, and Fireheart steering beside her. Whiterose glanced around and found Morningflower sitting outside the nursery, both she-cats stared at each other before nodding their heads in silent farewell.

Padding towards her Clan mates, Whiterose fell behind to the rear. Her mind pondering over all that has happened. She hardly even noticed as Tigerclaw slowed down to allow Whitestorm to take the lead and had fallen into step beside her.

Whiterose came out of her thoughts when Tigerclaw finally addressed his presence. "You seem distracted, are you feeling sick again?" The dark tabby warrior asked, his voice came out in a huff, but it was filled with care.

Whiterose felt her paws tingle, as she turned to look at him, her gaze warm with welcome. Whiterose revelled in the sensation of being close to him. "Will you walk with me a while?" she asked him. "I have something to tell you."

Tigerclaw's eyes were filled with curiosity as they fell behind the group of warriors. Putting space between them and the returning patrol.

"What is it?" Tigerclaw asked, his meow filled with interest but also slight concern.

"Tigerclaw," Whiterose felt hesitant, but the care and warmth in Tigerclaw's eyes as he gazed at her made her feel confident.

"We're going to have kits."

Tigerclaw staggered, seemingly like he forgotten how to walk for a moment. His amber eyes widened in shock as his mouth opened in a silent surprise gasp. He composed himself quickly however, his eyes narrowing in delight.

A robust purr sounded deep in his throat. His tail curling more tightly around hers. The cold wind and snow didn't faze either cat, their happiness warming the both of them.

Whiterose never felt happier in her life.

Clan life really has changed her for the better.

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