He told himself that but he had a deep feeling Nico would be her first option.

A mother is always close to her daughter after all.

"She's definitely having her fun" Nico said next to him. Her eyes were trained on her daughter as she daughter glided over the arena sweeping the boys off their feet in the process. She was a force to be reckoned with when she got excited over a match. Being faced with four splendid fighters must have her thrilled.

"Who do you think she'll throw out first? " Shiro asked with raised eyebrow.

"Katsuki"There was no uncertainty in Nico's voice. "He's being very loud"

"Shino! Stop playing with me you piece of sh-"

Katsuki's face was introduced to Shino's boots, silencing him before he could utter any foul language.

"Watch that mouth of yours" Shino warned as she kicked kick again, pushing him towards the edge.

Shiro sighed. "Yeah, he'll go first alright "

"It's always Katsuki that gets abused"

"Not much of a surprise seeing as he's quite hard to contain and is overly loud"

Shiro received a hard slap on the back at that. He turned to find a smirking Mitsuki accompanied by a smiling Inko.

"No need to sugar coat the truth. We all know that Katsuki is an arrogant little bastard who is always angry "

"He's your son, Mitsuki" Inko sweat dropped at her friend's tone

"Exactly "

Shino continued to push against Katsuki. All of his blows were evaded and countered as Shino pushed him towards the edge. She would jot relent. Blow after blow after blow. Katsuki was not allowed to take some time to breath. She kept him on his feet and too distracted to notice what she was up to.

It also helped that she kept a taunting smile on her face that just angered Katsuki more.

Almost there. Katsuki was close enough to the edge that Shino would just need one push. On cue her danger sense kicked in and she ducked.

Izuku flew over her head, his body aflame and fist at the ready. He adopted a look of panic when he realized what had happened. He decided that since the two were distracted with each other he could sneak up and take them both out. In the end he ended up crashing into Katsuki and tumbling over the edge.

"Double take down" Shino celebrated with a moonwalk. The moonwalk was more than just a celebrating though. She had sensed Sora nearby and avoided some serious bodily pain.

With Katsuki and Izuku out of the match that left Sora and Shoto. Shino was interested in a one on one against Shoto, so she would have to kick Sora out.

With that in mind she connected a web to his arm. He raised an eyebrow in challenge as if daring Shino to go through with what she was definitely thinking. Shino only smiled a deceptively sweet smile as she sent strong electrical currents through her webbings. Sora widened his eyed in actual shock and quickly disconnected himself from the webbing just in time.

"You actually did that" Sora said in utter disbelief. "You tried to take me out immediately. You would've paralyzed me. Again "

"Yes, you are absolutely correct"

"I hate being paralyzed. It sucks" Sora slumped with a quiet groan.

"Oh I know" Shino smiled and flicked both wrists.

Sora blinked when the sticky substance made contact again. He moved to pull them off, but they wouldn't budge.

What the hell?

Shino disconnected from her webbing only to shoot countless balls of webbing towards Sora. Sora immediately set into action dodging each shot aimed at him, while tugging on the ones stuck to his arms.

What a sticky situation.

Even with his strength he could not remove the web. Shino had reinforced it. Of course.

Shino was in front of Sora within a second and their one on one began.

Shoto stood aside only watching the scene. His face portrayed no emotion. Just a blank stare. At some point he actually sat down and watched the two scruffle with each other. He was being completely ignored at the moment. It didn't bother him. He would just wait for Shino to eliminate Sora. When that happens it would just be him against her.

He didn't have to wait long. Shino managed to connect a ball of web to Sora's eyes. She had to take a powerful punch to the gut to pull it off. Once his eyes were covered she proceeded to wrap him in a cocoon of some weaker webs. They won't break easily, so they would weaken faster so that Sora could get out.

Sora was shouting incoherent words as he was rolled off the arena. Shino still retained that impossibly sweet smile a the while.

And then there were two

One By MillionsWhere stories live. Discover now