"Alright ladies and gentlemen here we have it! Class president of class 1A, we have Kiddo Shino! "

There we're loud cheers upon hearing her name. Probably because she won the last two rounds.

"And her opponent also from class 1A and the vice president Yaoyorozu Momo! "

It's starting to feel like something from WWE. All that's missing is an entrance song.

It's John Cena!

Que his awesome song.

Alright enough playing around. The two friends stood opposite each other. Shino with a smile on her face and Momo with an exasperated look. Of course she had to fight Shino

"Well, this is interesting isn't it? " Shino chuckled openly. "Who would have thought"

"It wasn't really something I was hoping would happen. That's for sure" Momo sounded as if it was the last thing she wanted to do but still had a smile on her face.

"Ah so you don't want to fight me? "

"I never once won a fight against you"

"Yes, but I never once won as well. Plus you can make anything you want including anything that could easily disrupt my quirk. So I think all is fair"

"I find it hard to believe " as she spoke Momo was already in the process of creating something. She had to admit that Shino had a point, but she just couldn't see herself winning a fight against her. Especially when she declared she would win the entire Competition. When Shino puts her mind to something there is hardly anything anyone could do to stop her.

The match began and Momo immediately set to work. Shino couldn't see what she had made and really didn't try to. She would enjoy the surprise even if it would be a disadvantage to her.

Momo was fast on her feet as she headed towards Shino. Shino reacted just as fast and twisted her body away from her. She may have no problem with a surprise but that does not mean she won't avoid it. Whatever Momo had made needed to be in contact with her target. That is something Shino does know. Or she could have created something to work on her heightened senses. That was actually the best way of taking Shino down. But it would have been pretty cruel as well.

Shino was actually surprised to be pushed back by Momo. Her own attacks worked for some time, but Momo adapted almost immediately and changed her fighting style. Shino wasn't using her full strength, but she was using a lot more than she usually allowed when fighting Momo. And she was pushing her back.

Shino couldn't help the smile on her face.

She dropped down into a low kick dodging a fist in the process. She swept Momo off her feet and moved to restrain her, but Momo did a handspring that turned into a backflip, succesfully making some distance.

"Wow" Shino let out out a low whistle. "That was impressive " and kind of a turn on, but she wasn't going to say that out loud. Not on live television. She would be embarrassing Momo.

A coy smile graced Momo's lips at the compliment. "Thanks"

"You learned that from me didn't you? " Shino tugged her scarf a bit lower with a wide grin. She had never seen Momo do any type of flip. That was more her style.

"Maybe. This is actually the first time I tried it. I didn't think it would work"

"You're kidding. You actually just tried that technique? For the first time? "

"Y-yes" Momo was a bit embarrassed at the moment. Maybe it had to do with Shino's un blinking stare and huge grin.

"Jeez, and people call me a fast learner" Shino tapped the tip of her boot on the hard floor. She was geniunly impressed. She didn't know Momo could copy a move just by seeing it happen. And on her first try.

She already has the fabulous hair and dark eyes, let's just give her the sharingan and it's official.

"Gonna tell me what you got there? "Shino asked as she started to approach Momo.

"No, not really. I know you like surprises. " Momo smiled as she twirled the unknown object around at her palm.

With a smirk Shino pushed into a sprint at the same time as Momo.

She had to swerved out of harms way when a metal pole suddenly materialized in Momo's hands. Momo used her momentum to vault over Shino's shoulder, pushing herself in the opposite direction.

The two were still. Standing opposite each other. Shino allowed herself a laugh when she felt something digging into her shoulderblade. There was a slight sting and soon she could herself getting weaker. She gripped her fist to test her strenght to find that it was below average now.

So that's what she was up to.

Not bad.

"Ah, well that really was a surprise "

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