Yeah, she's weird like that.

Momo is the only one with that info and the only one she trusted with that info.

She literally gave Momo everything she needed to defeat her.

She was looking forward to it.

The match was won by Izuku as expected. Just a small fire attack and well trained martial arts and victory was his as simple as that. After his match Shino saw him pull Shinso aside. She stared in the direction they went for minutes on end. She kinda understood Shinso's way of thinking. His quirk isn't that flashy or impressive as others say. Some might say that it's straight out villainous. Having a quirk that allows you to manipulate is pretty powerful in the right hands. Of course having such a quick would make it m or impossible for others to trust you. Shinso probably never really had a friend and didn't see the for one.

Thinking about it all made Shino a bit angry. Why does the word have to be so unfair and cruel?

What makes a villainous quirk? In Shino's opinion there is no such thing as a villainous quirk. People just don't know how to except those who are different from them. Humans are very fickle. They fear the unknown and hence everything unknown or abnormal is bad or wrong.

Look at Toga for example. Her quirk is goddamn amazing. She would make an awesome hero. But she's a bit odd. Or her quirk is. Some will actually call it inhuman or disgusting it whatever other negative words they can come up with.

Seriously. A quick that let's you shape shift into the person who's blood you have ingested is very powerful and useful. Let's not forget that she could actually use the quirk of said person. Overpowered If you were to ask Shino.

So what if she needed blood to use her quirk? That doesn't necessarily make it villainous.

Most villains are outcasts of society. People wouldn't except them. People could care less about them. They had villainous quirks after all. Naturally it makes that person bad. Right?

Fickle things we are, humans

Insensitive to those who are different. Forgetting that despite everything. Despite the major changes of the world. Despite the fact that we all look different from one another. We are all human beings. We all have feelings. We all feel pain. Physical or emotional. We all have our ups and downs. We all have things we hold dear to us. We all have goals and dreams.

Humans fear those with abnormalities and ridicule those that do not develop a quirk at all.

Sometimes Shino is utterly disappointed in humanity.

"What are you thinking about? "

Shino glanced at Momo when the question wa asked. She didn't answer for a full minute.

"Humanity. The logic of deeming a quirk villainous. Of deeming others worthless" Shino sounded casual. As if the very thoughts didn't have any affect on her emotions. Something she learned to do. Hide her emotions behind a mask of casualness. One of the many ways to cope with, well everything. "Depressing really"

Momo didn't say anything. What can you say when faced with such a thing? Sometimes it's best to let Shino think. It's what she does. A lot. Every second of everyday. She thinks and thinks and thinks. Momo could only imagine multiple thoughts bouncing through your head at the same time. It is impressive that she can think of multiple things at the same time, but from what Shino tells her Momo understands that it isn't all that fun. The thoughts are very inescapable and makes it hard for her to actually be present in the moment. That coupled with her hyper awareness of everything around her makes it near impossible to stay composed. There was so much going on and she didn't know what to focus on.

Hence the personality she developed. Always casual and amused. A way to distract herself somewhat.

"Humanity can be disappointing can't it? We have it pretty good but not everyone is as lucky as we are . There are those lacking a quirk. In a society as this have a lack of something most of the civilization posses is hard. They aren't treated fairly. They are seen as subservient. Worthless. Some people or shunned for their quirks. Others are parentless. Some have abusive parents" Shino sighed. There are a lot of things going on in the world. A lot of people world struggling everyday. A lot of people going around hating the world. Hating themselves.

It's the way of life she supposed.

Even so she couldn't help her desire of wanting to put an end to all of it. To help those in need. No matter what. She wanted to be the hero to those that were not blessed with the happy life she had. She wanted to give them some of that happiness if not all.


"What is it? "

"I think I've found my reason for aspiring to be a hero"

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