The Pains of Pregnancy (August 2013)

Start from the beginning

He puts the heating pad in the microwave and finds himself staring at it, dozing off. He shakes his head to try and wake himself up a bit and then walks up the stairs to get Camryn.

"We'll go slow, babe,"Harry whispers as soon as he sees the dread cross Camryn's face as she realizes she's going to have to walk. It always makes her spasms pick up. He takes both of her hands in his and helps to slowly hoist her up from the edge of the bed, something she can't really do by herself because of how big her bump has gotten.

Camryn blows out a breath as she looks down at her bump. She's officially grown out of all of her maternity clothes and most of Harry's t-shirts. She's had to settle for buying huge cheap tank tops and sports Harry's boxers on most days. When she's feeling really fancy she'll put on leggings. "I don't know how much longer I can last like this, babe."

Harry nods and leans his head against hers, he doesn't know either. He learned during Darcy's pregnancy that pregnancy doesn't come without a bit of discomfort and pain, but this is pure suffering and it breaks his heart to see her like this.

"I'm huge,"Camryn sniffles, looking down at her stomach.

He braces himself for another breakdown. She had a couple of breakdowns about her body when she was pregnant with Darcy, but not nearly as much as she's had with this pregnancy. Her bump with Darcy was extremely tiny and she didn't even get a stretch mark. However, because of how much she's had to stretch and grow this pregnancy, she has red stretch marks hugging her hips and it's been extremely hard on her to see her body change so drastically.

He doesn't blame her, it's a big change to see, but he wishes he could get it through to her how beautiful he thinks she is and how he couldn't care less about the stretch marks, but every time he tries she just thinks that he's lying or being nice.

"You're beautiful,"Harry counters her remark and she flicks her eyes up at him with a look on her face that tells him she does not believe him in the slightest. "I mean it,"Harry continues, pressing a kiss to her forehead, "you're absolutely gorgeous, just like you always have been."

"I look like an elephant,"Camryn grumbles, her hands going to her back to try and massage the aching muscles.

"You're a beautiful elephant."

Camryn cracks a smile and slaps his arm playfully. Harry smiles and takes her face in his hands, "I'm only joking, baby. I love your bump, you know I do."

Camryn relents, she doesn't have the energy to continue the conversation and grabs his hand as he helps her down the stairs, walking extremely slowly to try and cause Camryn as little pain as possible.

He settles her on the couch as he walks into the kitchen to grab the heating pad out of the microwave. He scoots under her on the couch leaning back against the pillows and resting his legs on the couch, setting her on his lap sideways and presses the heating pad to her lower stomach. "Better?"

"A bit,"Camryn murmurs, dropping her cheek to Harry's shoulder and putting her hand over Harry's that's pressing the pack there.

They sit there for a few minutes and Camryn can see Harry out of the corner of her eye drifting off to sleep and then catching himself and snapping his head awake. She removes her hand from on top of his and cradles his cheek in her hand, "baby, go to sleep. It's okay. I need you to get some sleep."

Harry shakes his head and drowsily looks over at her, "I want you to get some sleep."

"Honey, I'm not going to be able to sleep. My stomach hurts too bad, but I want you to try and get some sleep." She leans in to kiss his cheek, "okay?"

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