*9 ~ Make It Official*

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Mickey closes her locker and pouts to my utter annoyance. I already know what she's going to say. And it's her fault. "Jamie, I got a C minus on the test. Finals are in two weeks and I can't end the year without getting a B plus in the class. I've dropped down to a B minus."

Sucking my teeth, I hold back my sarcasm. "Maybe Toby shouldn't sleep over on test nights. I know how you two operate. Non-stop kissing and whatever borderline-sex stuff you guys do when you think I'm asleep."

She hides her face behind her purple hair. "Sorry about that. You're probably right, though. It's just that he's leaving in three days and I want to spend as much time as possible with him."

"Doesn't he have to go to school like the rest of us?" I pull my backpack from my locker and slam it shut. "How is he even able to visit?"

"I already told you. His school ended a month early. California is different. Not to mention the different schedules in different districts."

"Oh yeah, I forgot. Never mind then. Oh! How about this? Study earlier, so you don't cram before the test. Toby gets to stay and you can get the grades you want."

She practically dies inside. "Ugh! But I like cramming. It works for me. Just not this time."

"Look, let's just start walking to the crosswalk. Who knows how long that teacher will hold Chris and Alen captive." She laughs at my joke, which in turn makes me start laughing too.

While Mickey and I stand at the crosswalk, Husan walks out the school and starts making his way towards us. Everything is going according to plan.

I'm glad he chose to wear his all black casual style. He blends in just fine. Especially with that awesome haircut he's always rocking. Damn, Husan is pretty handsome now that I think about it. Objectively speaking, he's basically at Leo's level of attractiveness if not more. How am I not drawn to him? I guess I just like Leo too much. It makes other guys irrelevant to me.

Late last night in the backyard when my siblings were asleep, Husan and I started acting out some funny scenes that we made up on the spot. Apparently, Husan couldn't get himself to fall asleep. I didn't ask why. Eventually, he asked if I knew any scenes from Hamlet we could parody. I told him I did since I recently went to see it on Broadway. He played Hamlet and I acted as the ghost of the king, Hamlet's father.

As the scene played out, it became very clear to me that Husan was using the scene to express his feelings towards the passing of his dad. And there was something in the way he spoke -- a bitterness unlike any I've heard before -- that now has me wondering if Husan's father was killed.

Husan... he's hurting. And now that I know, I can finally see it in his eyes. It's hidden. Way, way back there. But I can see it now.

And it kind of breaks my heart a little bit.

Mickey leans in close. Her voice is low, but clearly excited. "Uh, who is that hottie walking toward us? Is he new? I've never seen him before and I've seen everyone at least twice."

"No he's not new. He's just been hanging out by himself all year. I met him earlier today when I went to study at the library. You know, like a responsible student."

"Ew, I hate the library. No wonder I haven't seen him. Oh my gosh! Shut up, he's almost here." Mickey silences me before I even have a chance to talk. I roll my eyes at her thirsty attitude.

Husan approaches us and he immediately smiles at me. "Hi. So, I'm guessing this is the after school hangout, right?"

I'm taken aback by his lack of accent. He sounds... American. I mean, his accent was never strong to begin with, but still it was noticeable. Husan sounds like he was born and raised here. I guess he's a better actor than I thought.

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