TW The Gladiator Champion GP PT2

Start from the beginning

Lena walks in front of me so I look down at her high heels. Almost immediately Lena lifts my chin with her soft hand and forces me to look into her dangerously enticing forest green eyes. Without backing down I stare back at the woman, she quirks an eyebrow and smiles.

Her smile is a playful one, one that I catch myself sharing. My chin naturally nuzzles her gentle hand which is forcing me to look into her deep eyes.

"I'll take this one," Lena says nodding at me. As she grins at me I can't help but stare at her deep red lipstick, unintentionally my thoughts wander to what it would take to please a woman like her. 

"Lena Luthor, a pleasure to see you once again," Dominus says.

As she starts talking I snap out of my trance and remove my head from Lena's hand. The second her warm hand leaves my chin I can't help but miss the contact. 

I glance at my Domina only to see jealousy ablaze in her blue eyes, she looks very upset that Miss Luthor just bought me for the night.

"A pleasure to see you as well," Lena says shaking my Dominus' hand.

"So how is my lovely wife treating you?" Dominus asks standing side by side with Dominque.

"Very well... But there is business I would like to discuss with you in private" Lena says giving Dominique a sly side-eye.

"Follow me," Dominus says leading Lena away.

I let out a sigh of relief as I finally let my posture drop, I run my hand down the back of my neck and look over to my Domina. Her body posture is tense as she thinks about giving me up to Lena for the night, she lets out a deep huff of frustration and flexes her fingers angrily.

A few moments later my Dominus returns with Lena at his side, he whispers in Dominque's ear and they both leave bickering.

I turn to look at Dominque only to see her absolutely fuming, her eyes are lit ablaze with pure rage as she stares daggers at Lena. I crease my eyebrows in confusion. Lena starts to walk to the private corner of the Ludus.

"Come," Lena says hooking her finger at me, I startle but none the less follow her to the isolated seating room.

My body heats up at her specific wording, I cough quietly to try and distract myself from such wanton thoughts. My stomach growls loudly as my nose catches another whiff of tonight's feast, I notice that Lena looks at me funny before calling a servant over and whispering to them.

I cringe inwardly as I think about how she will degrade and use me later in the night. 

In a bold move, I tap Lena on the shoulder to see if she will engage in a conversation with me. Slowly she turns to face me with an amused look on her face, as she looks at me I suddenly regret even touching her pale skin. I rub the back of my neck nervously as I avoid eye contact and look at my worn out sandals.

"Lena I was wondering... Why did you purchase me tonight?" I say in a slightly higher pitch tone than usual.

She stares at me, a smile so genuine even I would believe that anything she told me was the stone-cold truth.

Although her smile tells one story her eyes explain it all, the way her eyes very subtly dilate, her legs cross over and she runs one hand through her soft raven hair tells me that she is not the Assassin but instead just wants my body. "Lena?" I question, feeling slightly uncomfortable under her antagonizing gaze.

Silently Lena gestures to the seat next to her, gently she pats the spot beside her and pulls me in like a magnet. Her eyes pull me into some sort of seductive yet innocent trance.

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