Chapter 14

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Your POV - Trigger Warning 

You were sitting on the ground, rough thick rope covering most of your body.  You tried to move but it was too hard and you were very tired from fighting most of the journey to this place, a place you still had no idea what it was.  

Your captors had knocked you out after discovering that you had been leaving a trail as you travelled.  You had gotten quite a ways before they discovered it, you had run out of subtle things to leave and had to start taking a few risks.  

It was still dark when you woke up, you still knew very little about those that captured you.  You could tell they were human men, the kind you imagined had been kicked out of their kingdoms.  You had travelled several miles before being knocked out, so you were unsure how far away from your camp you were.  

As your eyes adjusted to your surroundings you saw there were about a dozen men surrounding a fire in the middle of their camp, there were twice as many tents in the area.  This was no small force, it was strange for a human group to be this large living in the wilds, especially so close to Isegard and Rohan.  They seemed to be drinking and not paying much attention to you.  You took the opportunity to try and wiggle out of your restraints.  

They had taken most of your weapons, except a small dagger that you always conceal within the clothing of your lower back.  The cold metal against your skin was a comforting thought as you were drug through the forest.  You maneuvered it with your bound hands and used the sharp edge to slowly cut through the ropes that held you.  

Just as you were getting the last of the rope from your body cut, a few of the drunker men took notice of you again.  They slowly stood from the fire and walked over to you.  You quickly undid the rest of the rope and tried to run.  But you were weak and slow and were caught.  

"Well, well, the lady has finally awoken, I think we should give her a proper greeting."  One of the men said grabbing you by your hair and throwing you to the ground roughly.  

"Don't touch me," you said regaining your footing.  Moving was hard, but you forced yourself to stand tall and defensive.  

The same man walked over to you again reaching out for you.  "That is no way to talk to a man," he said leaning himself closer to you.  

You still clenched your small dagger and concealed it in your hand.  As the small leaned closer you struck quickly slicing his face and cutting deeply into his chest in the same motion.  He fell to the ground in pain, "you are not a man, pig." you said angrily.  

This angered the men around him and they all attacked you at once ripping on your hair and clothing.  Many shouted insults as they attacked.  You tried to fight them off, but there were too many and your dagger was ripped from your hands.  

You heard a loud shout of a deep voice and all of the men moved from you.  A few grabbed you and picked you up presenting you to the man who shouted.  

"And what do we have here?" the new man asked running his hands across your cheek.  

One of the men that held you spoke up.  "we found her about 5 miles back with a company of elves, we thought we could keep her since our other toy died, master." he said with a disgusting grin on his face.  

The master inspected you, "she is an elve as well, interesting, she is quite beautiful." he responded.  "What is your name girl?" he asked. 

You spat at him in response, your saliva landing on his face.  He slapped you hard across the face, you were certain you would have fallen to the ground had it not been for the men holding you.  

The master wiped the spit from his face with a smile, "defiant, I like it.  However, if she is going to be our new toy, she will have to be taught some manners." he stated.  "Have her, but I want her sent to my tent when she is properly broken." with this instruction he walked away. 

The other men smiled and laughed while downing more alcohol.  Soon your clothing was being ripped to shreds and there were bruises all over your body from their abuse.  No one had assaulted you yet, they seemed to only want to make you feel weak and hopeless.  Despite their punches and harsh words you continued to fight back as best you could, frustrating many of the drunk men.  

You were to the point where you feared their was little else you could do to fight back, your body was battered but your spirit continued to fight, unwilling to give them the satisfaction of breaking you.  You still knew little information about your captors, but tried to learn everything from their fighting styles and voices, this was the only thing keeping you conscious. 

Their advances never ceased, there were too many of them.  You refused to let tears fall but in the back of your mind you were crying out for Legolas to find you.  "My love, please save me, I have so little left." 

The Princess of Mirkwood (Legolas x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang