Chapter 22

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You spent most of the night resting and enjoying the company of Cressida and Ren.  By morning you felt completely healed, Cressida and Ren helped you up and walk around until you remembered your own strength.  It was early in the morning when you asked the two sisters to accompany you on a walk outside.  

They lead you along a few pathways in the palace and along a balcony that overlooked the scenery.  "It is beautiful here," you said stopping along the railing to look out. 

"It is," Ren responded while she and Cressida took a spot on either side of you also looking out.  The three of you sat there in comfortable silence as you enjoyed the view together.  

After a while you heard a cough behind you.  The three of you turned around and Cressida and Ren took a protective step in front of you.  You looked at the source of the sound was Lindor. 

"My lady (Y/N), it brings a smile to my face to see you healed," Lindor stated while taking a few steps closer to you and holding out his hand, "would you like to accompany me for a walk before the meeting?" 

You nodded to him in kindness but stayed behind Cressida and Ren, "thank you Lindor, but I am out with them right now," you said gesturing to the sisters still in front of you.  

Lindor did not seem to like that answer so he stepped even closer, "I promise to be better company, perhaps we can enjoy each other," Lindor said reaching for you.  Cressida and Ren did not move.  

Out of no where a new voice came shouting into the area you were at.  "She said no, now back off."  Legolas came from behind a pillar and got in Lindor's face.  

Lindor did not back down and they were face to face in an instant.  "How would you know what she wants, she hasn't even wanted to talk to you!" Lindor shouted.  

Legolas was taken aback as he turned to you, "and have you been talking to Lindor this whole time?" You could see the hurt in his eyes.  With your strength restored you no longer needed to people to fight for you and you felt a new anger rising in your chest.  

"No, I have not," you said pushing your way out from behind the sisters who let you go but were never far from your side.  You walked up to Legolas and shouted at him, "I have not been with Lindor if you must know, but where exactly were you when I needed you?" 

He seemed hurt but did not argue with you.  "And you," you yelled walking to Lindor and placing a finger to his chest in accusation, "have absolutely no right to speak to me the way you did, or to him for that matter," you shouted gesturing to Legolas.  

You took a step back from both men before continuing in a slightly calmer tone.  "Lindor I appreciate you helping me while Legolas and I had a disagreement, but I never felt for you the way I feel for him." You then turned you attention to Legolas not bothering to even see if Lindor had a response.  

"Legolas, we have a few things to figure out and a lot to talk about, I may not be ready for a while, but I do know I want to at least try to figure it all out.  I truly love you and I do not want to be fighting anymore, whatever we need to figure out I want to do it together."

Legolas slowly walked up to you taking your shoulders in his hands.  Out of the corner of your eye you saw Cressida and Ren slip out dragging a shocked Lindor with them.  You knew they were giving you some privacy but would not be far away if you needed them.  

 "(Y/N), I am so sorry for the things I said, no matter where they came from I had no right to say them, there is no excuse for that behavior.  The past days when you wanted nothing to do with me, I can not begin to tell you how much it hurt me and I thought I had lost you forever.  Whenever you are ready to talk I will be at your side, I love you." 

He kissed you gently bringing your body to his as he held you close looking out over the balcony with you.  For a few minutes it was a perfect paradise without a care in the world.  You had the love of your life back and the world felt whole again.  

Unfortunately, the world was about to fall apart again and the meeting with the Council of Elrond was only going to be the beginning.  

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