Chapter 21

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You sped on towards Rivendell without looking back.  You quickly wiped your tears tried to hide your swollen eyes as you joined the group just as the gates were opening.  A servant grabbed the reins of your horse to steady him before you got off.  

Lindor made a quick beeline for you and held out his hand to help you off.  Something about Lindor made you feel better, not that you could explain it.  You took his hand and allowed him to help you down.  In your fight with Legolas you had forgotten your pain out of anger, but now it came back with a vengeance.  

You leaned on Lindor unable to fully support your own weight.  He took notice and allowed you to shift more weight to him as he lead you off to the side.  Two female servants were waiting for you here.  "Let's get you to the healing room, lady (Y/N)," he said motioning for the servant girls to lead the way down the hall, "I will have word sent to Legolas when he arrives and he can join you." 

You did not say a word, you honestly just wanted to sleep, it had been a long day and you were drained both mentally and physically.  The servant girls opened a door and Lindor helped you into the room and placing you on a bed, there were several potions in the room.  One of the servant girls bowed to you, "we have already been told of your state, our healer will be in to assess you in a few moments, but you should be fully healed by the morning, our medicine is fast," she assured you, "for know we are here to help you in any way you need." 

You nodded to them gratefully, "thank you, I could use some water." 

The first girl that spoke walked over to a silver pitcher and poured you a glass of water.  You had not noticed that Lindor was lingering in the room until the other girl cleared her throat, "sir Lindor, perhaps you would like to inform Lord Elrond that our guests have arrived." 

He opened his eyes in surprise and embarrassment.  "Will you be okay, (Y/N)?" he asked his cheeks turned a light pink. 

"Yes I believe I am in capable hands, thank you," you responded trying to hide your chuckle.  Without another word he walked out of the room and the girl closed the door while the other handed you a glass of water.  You smiled at them gratefully. 

The first girl smiled back, "my name is Cressida and this is my sister Ren, my Lord Elrond assigned us to you to help you with healing and anything else you require," she stated nodding politely.  

  You smiled at both of them, "well it is great to meet you Cressida and Ren, my name is (Y/N)." 

They both smiled at you, there was something sweet and innocent about the two girls that made you like them instantly.  "May we?" Ren asked gesturing to your ripped clothing and weapons that were still attached to you. 

"Yes of course," you responded sitting up a little so they could do their job more easily.  Within a few minutes they had your things folded and sent off to be cleaned and repaired and helped you into a loose fitting gown that somehow still flattered your figure but was incredibly comfortable.  The healer came in not long after and checked you over and giving you a tea to drink to restore your strength and fixed a few of your more major injuries.  She then left the rest for Cressida and Ren to help you with and only checked on you a few more times throughout the day.  She said you would make a full physical recovery by morning.  

You got the girls to open up and tell you stories as they worked on patching up a few of your easier injuries and making sure you had plenty of food and water.  The girls grew up in the palace with Lord Elrond after their father had died in battle long ago.  Although they were servants in the castle, they were treated well and often regarded as Elrond's adopted daughters.  They were so kind and playful with you it felt like you had been friends for years.  

They had both noticed your puffy red eyes that refused to go away, "we have told you a lot about us," Cressida said placing her hand on yours, "perhaps you would like to tell us why you have been crying?" 

You smiled a sad smile, "apparently I am not as good at hiding it as I had hoped," you laughed slightly without much humor. 

Ren grabbed your other hand, "we are here for your every need, (Y/N), that includes if you want to talk about something that is bothering you." 

"Well, it will probably be good to talk to someone," you began allowing tears to brim, "I got in a fight with Legolas right before we had arrived.  It started out with him just being protective of me and me not wanting to be weak, but at the end he said that he should have left me for dead..." you trailed off as a few tear stained your cheeks.  

Cressida wiped the tears with a cloth and looked at you sadly, "men say a lot of things that do not really mean when they are angry." 

"That is not to say that it is okay," Ren added quickly. 

"No it is not.  But, when you are ready to talk to him, I do believe he will apologize for it," Cressida finished.  

You nodded, "I already forgive him, I know he did not mean it, but I am still haunted by what happened while I was captured, I was not ready to face it again, and I am not ready to face him just yet." 

"And you do not have to be, you have us for now and you will never be alone while we are here," Ren said comfortingly.  In only a few hours Cressida and Ren had become your closest friends and most loyal confidants.  

The door burst open in the next minute and Cressida and Ren were in front of you in the next.  "Where is she?" a frantic voice asked, you recognized it as Legolas. "Lindor refused to tell me where she was." 

"She is safe I can assure you Prince Legolas," Ren said still not letting him see you.  

"I need to see her," Legolas said his voice raising in panic and he tried to step closer.  

Cressida looked at you over her shoulder and you shook your head.  "She is safe but I am afraid you cannot see her," she stated crossing her arms.  

Legolas now was able to put the pieces together and he knew you were behind them.  It broke his heart that you did not want to talk to him and he thought he might lose you forever.  "(Y/N) please," he pleaded and you could here the emotion in his voice, "I cannot begin to tell you how sorry I am..." 

Your heart broke to hear his pain, but you were still not ready to tell him what hurt most of all, you knew you would have to tell him everything but you were not ready for that either.  "Legolas," you whispered, "I am okay, and I forgive you, I am just not ready to face the horrors again." 

Cressida and Ren did not move from their position.  They knew you wanted to reassure him but were not ready to see him just yet.  "I love you," Legolas said back.  You almost broke and called out for him but you let him leave the room.  Cressida walked over to the door and Ren walked back to you.  

"He is sitting outside the door on the floor," Cressida said, "would you like me to tell him to leave?" 

You shook your head, "no it's okay, I will talk with him in the morning, for now can we just talk again?" You craved the carefree atmosphere that was around you before Legolas arrived.  Tomorrow was going to be stressful and important but tonight you wanted to forget everything else.  

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