Chapter 18

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You had no idea how long you were asleep, but when you opened your eyes you were in Legolas' tent again.  But when you tried to sit up, Legolas wasn't there, instead Noben stood in the corner clutching his bow tight to his body and staring out the open flap.  He hadn't seen you yet, although you barely moved enough for anyone to notice.  You whole body shot with pain when you tried to move and you could not contain a wince.  

Noben's head shot over to you and was at your side in an instant. "My lady (Y/N)," he almost shouted trying to steady you from moving too much, "don't move too much, I will go get the healer." 

Before he could dash out the open flap of the tent you shouted for him, but it came out raspy and weak, "where is Legolas?" you asked.  Noben turned to you with sad eyes and looked at his feet.  

"He has hardly left your side, you have been asleep for 3 days, he was so afraid to move you..." Noben trailed off not sure whether to continue.  

You looked back at him gesturing for him to sit next to you, "please, tell me everything."  Noben took a moment to decide and shouted for a soldier to fetch the healer and try to locate Legolas before coming to sit by you.  

He explained how Legolas had stopped at nothing to find you, and that when he did you had collapsed and he could not wake you.  Thranduil had sent Legolas another letter telling him to continue on to Rivendell, but he refused to leave you behind.  They had been carrying you, on horseback and in his arms, for several days while you were still out.  You continued on, but it was a slow journey with you still unconscious.  

Last night the healer said that your vitals were dropping, most likely due to the movement and constant travel without real medicine.  Upon hearing this news Legolas set up camp and refused to move on until you had gotten better.  You were about a day and a half from Rivendell now, Legolas had sent two scouts to inform Lord Elrond of their predicament.  Legolas had left an hour ago for some fresh air and to see if he could find any natural medicines the healer could use to help you.  

Upon recounting the events Noben stopped, waiting for you to process the information.  He handed you a glass of water and some food to eat while you sat in silence.  You stubbornly tried to stand up, "we are so close, we should leave for Rivendell immediately," you ordered as Noben was fighting you trying to get you to lay down.  

"(Y/N) please do not exert yourself, the healer will be here soon," Noben continued to make you eat and drink and stayed close enough to you that you did not try to get up again. 

A few moments later the healer arrived.  I was surprised when a women walked in, no women had left with your company originally.  The healer chuckled at your surprise seemingly knowing your thoughts.  "My lady, my name is Sigyn," she stated bowing her head slightly, "Lord Thranduil sent me after hearing about your abduction, I have been tending you for the last few days."  She held out her hand waiting for your permission to come closer and inspect you again.  You nodded to her and smiled. 

"It is nice to meet you Sigyn, thanks for taking care of me."  

She smiled as she began checking over your body, Noben respectfully stood outside the tent flap with his back turned waiting for Legolas to arrive.  "Truthfully my lady, it was Legolas that insisted on tending to you mostly, he would ask me what he should do, but he would always want to do it himself, he rarely left your side," Sigyn explained continuing her examination.  

You could not figure out what it was about her, but you liked her and felt instantly comfortable in her presence.  You made idle chit chat with each other as she finally finished her examination and changing most of your bandages.  

"You had a hell of a concussion at first, which was probably why you did not regain consciousness for a while, but most of its effects seem to have subsided," she explained taking a respectful distance away to sit and talk to you, "although your body was not in good shape, physical activity is going to be quite hard for a while, especially since I have nothing out here to help you regain your strength faster, perhaps when we arrive in Rivendell, they can help with that."  

You nodded in understanding, but still tried to move more to which she let you, but warned you again about overexerting yourself.  With Sigyn's help you were able to sit up comfortably in your makeshift bed and eat some more food.  

An hour or so later you heard a shout from outside, you knew the voice instantly as Legolas'. "Where is she?" he yelled making a beeline for the tent.  Noben grabbed him quickly before he could enter.  

"Noben let me go, I have to see her," Legolas protested fighting against his friend.  You concluded that the soldier must have told Legolas something happened with you and not any other details, he must have assumed the worst.

"My lord calm down," Noben responded not loosening his grip, "she is okay, just weak still, be gentle and careful." 

Legolas seemed to calm down after his words, he took a deep breath and entered the tent.  His heart broke for you seeing you so weak and hurt, but he was also overjoyed that were awake and sitting up.  Tears danced in his eyes and he met yours, tears of your own reflected in him.  

"Hey baby," you smiled weakly at him.  He dropped to his knees beside you and embraced you urgently but gently.  

"I am so glad you are awake, I have missed you my love," he whispered into your ear not ready to break the embrace yet for fear you might disappear.  

Sigyn cleared her throat as she stood and made her way to the tent opening where Noben still stood looking in.  "My lord, she is alright for now, she should rest as much as she can and eat, I will come and check on you again before nightfall," she nodded respectfully.  

"Thank you Sigyn," both you and Legolas said together.  

"I will have a guard placed outside the tent at all times and keep you informed, I will have us prepared to continue to Rivendell in the morning per lady (Y/N)'s instruction," Noben reported.  

You nodded to him before Legolas could say a word and he turned and left closing the flap to the tent for your privacy.  

"We can talk about that later, right now I am just so glad you are awake," Legolas said gently gripping your face and kissing you.  

"So am I, I knew you would find me, that's how I held on," you said returning his kiss.  

Legolas looked at you in the most loving way possible as he placed another kiss on your lips, deepening it slowly, but still being gentle.  Without breaking the kiss he placed your ring back on your finger.  

You pulled away and looked at it and then at Legolas, "I love you so much," you said letting tears stain your cheeks.  

"I love you more," he whispered as he leaned in to kiss you again.  

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