Chapter 1

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It was dark when you set out with the other guards.  As head of the guard it was your responsibility to cover the borders and defend Mirkwood from any threat.  You took a small force of five good soldiers with you.  The elve on watch told you of movement they saw on the eastern edge of the land.  Usually Legolas and yourself could handle this singlehandedly, but Legolas had been sent out to hunt.  This was the first time you have ever been this far away from him, King Thranduil seemed to be purposefully splitting the two of you apart.  

You reached the place the watch had old you about and drew your bow while the soldiers behind you also notched an arrow.  The soldier closest to you drew his sword ready to defend any close quarter attacks.  Then you heard it, a rustle in the bushes right across from where you stood.  You were about to let an arrow fly when you heard a familiar voice from within the bushes.  "You wouldn't shoot me (Y/N), would you?" The voice laughed. 

"Hold fire," you commanded while holding up your hand.  Your company lowered their bows but the soldier next to still held up his sword ready for any trick that may come.  Out from the bushes came Legolas.  

You ran to his open arms and he whispered in your ear.  "I have to talk to you."  I looked back at my company who all looked rather uncomfortable.  

"Take your leave, return to the castle,"  I commanded, "inform the watch that it was only Prince Legolas returning from the hunt."  They all nodded respectfully and looked relived as they turned around and headed back in the direction of the fortress.  

"What is it?" You asked Legolas excitedly.  He only smiled and took your hand in his entwining your fingers.  Then he pulled you along a path and began to speak. 

"I believe Ada is trying to keep us apart.  But if there is one thing that distance has showed me is that I do not want to be apart.  I love you (Y/N), you are truly the best thing that has ever happened to me.  

You pulled him close and said to him, "I love you with my whole heart and I will never let go."  Legolas smiled lovingly at you as his lips brushed yours and neither of you pulled away for what seemed like eternity.  

It was still very dark when you got back to the fortress, it wasn't quite midnight when you got inside.  Legolas walked you to your room and opened the door.  He got you tucked into your cozy bed and was about to walk out when you finally got the courage to ask him what had been on your mind the whole time.  "Legolas... you can stay, if you want." He turned around and smiled at you before closing the door and making his way to your side.  He lifted up the covers enough to slide next to your body without disturbing you.  You flipped over and laid your head on his chest before closing your eyes perfectly content.  Legolas kissed the top of your head before he too closed his eyes.   

The Princess of Mirkwood (Legolas x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now