Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.35

Start from the beginning

Emperor Zheng Rui Yon stood ascending from his throne he stops right beside his kneeling nephew, "Will you not stand already?-"

Zheng Yong peered at him then spoke his stubbornness evident in his tone, "..I'll kneel until the Great Emperor changes his mind,"

The Emperor exhales, "..Is that your final decision?-" Zheng Yong remained silent the outspoken Emperor Zheng Rui Yon flicks
his robe, "Very well then," he strode out leaving the indifferent youth behind.

Cheng Bi Yu was strapped on a wooden board her hands strung up on either side of her head. Her hair was disheveled her robes drenched, dirty and torn. Her complexion drastically paled from the harsh treatment her lips a sickly purple her back still littered with fresh lashes dripped blood.

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"..You finally came back-" her voice was very hoarse that it reminisced nail scrapping on a chalkboard, "..I could use that t-time reversal m-mumbo jumbo r-right n-now-" with the excruciating pain, and traumatizing memories of being drenched and beaten overall with the excessive events to took place Cheng Bi Yu collapsed exceedingly exhaused.

"Your Majesty His Excellency Zheng Yong is still kneeling in the throne room and refuses to get up," the poised Eunuch Jun informed.

"..That stubborn boy!-" the Emperor huffs blowing steam he balled his knuckles.

"..Her Highness the Empress arrives!-" Eunuch Jun announces Emperor Zheng Rui Yon dismissed all the servants the radiant Empress approached with a sickly sweet smile on her lips once Eu-Fnh reached she stretched her claws landing blows to his upper body confused at her sudden unleash he instinctively ascends his arms blocking her attacks.

"How dare you allow your nephew to kneel for almost two days now! Do you have a heart! Huh how can you be so cruel to your brother's son?!-" Empress Eu-Fnh rants landing blows after blows non-stop he finally gets
a grip on her hands restraining them into a lock hold, "Now now, you need to calm down. Your nephew is kneeling because of his stubbornness nothing else. Do you think I had forgotten what my brother did? For us he laid down his life with no questions,"

Emperor Zheng Rui Yon exclaims, "I can't easily give him what he wants he must marry Wei Fai our plan has gotten so far. I won't let anything ruin it-"

Empress Eu-Fnh pursed her lips peering up at her husband,"..Will you sacrifice your nephews happiness for the sake of your plan?-"

"..It's not idle but it had to be done he just has to marry her later on he'll just divorce her," The Empress sighs, "Then tell him why you're doing all this I'm sure he'll understand,"

"..And if not why don't we do this instead," the sly Empress leans closer whispering in his ears, "It'll be a far better way to poke the bear-"

"You're right my Empress, let's give Zheng Yong what he wants and the bear will slowly fall into our trap," Emperor Zheng Rui Yon kisses his beloved Empress's forehead.

The barefaced Emperor enters the throne room he ascends up the steps gracefully prompting down on his throne he clears his throat, "Hem!-" this action of his catches the stubbornly kneeling Zheng Yong's attention he proceeds, "Your wish is granted as proof I've already written a decree that your longstanding engagement with the Ping clan has been cancelled," He flicked his wrist Eunuch Jun came forward accordingly, "..Also Tang Mu Lan has been pardoned I release her in your care. Her dowry has already been settled once she's well we'll proceed with your wedding preparations,"

To help her in fast healing Poppy had shut down all of Cheng Bi Yu's senses plunging her into space where she found solace resting.

Zheng Yong scampered to the dungeon his heart sunk as she dangled lifeless it was truly gut wrenching, "..Release her!-" he shouts angered Cheng Bi Yu had been released from her chains her lifeless figure fell plush against his chest.

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