Chap 39

724 53 19

It has been over 30 minutes and the scores still stops at 4-4. Sunoo held out his hand to swipes his sweats away. Suyeon bents down, breath heavily. Sunoo didn't thought that Suyeon would be this strong, she looks like a princess more than an athlete, but Sunoo won't give up. Holding the ball tightly in his hands, Sunoo thought to himself that this is his last chance. He jumps up so high, using all his strength to throws the ball in the basket. But with Sunoo's amazing strength, plus when he's excited, he aimed the wrong target. So the ball went very high up. So high that it hits the lights and strong enough to make all of the lights falls over. Falling right into Min Suyeon who's opening her eyes widely and shocked that she couldn't even move or run away . The audience screamed loudly, but Suyeon didn't hear anything, just standing there waiting for the big, heavy lights to fall right into her.

-Be careful!!!!!!!!!!

Ni-Ki screams, then runs and pushes Suyeon out of the way.


The deathly sound ripped the atmosphere. All the little pieces of glass is everywhere, the dust covered the whole scene. Every single eyes is staring at the basketball yard.

Ni-Ki held out his hands and rubs his head. A few scratches made him frowned slightly. Sunoo also crawls up.

-Blood.....there's blood!!!!!!

A voice screams, Ni-Ki looks around him, the lights fell over on Suyeon's leg. Her blood kept on coming out and stained the whole yard. It was so painful that Suyeon can't even scream, her face is full of sweats and is getting paler and paler. Ni-Ki quickly carries Suyeon up and runs to the hospital, everyone in the field is also very scared and confused. Some of them ran after Ni-Ki and Suyeon, the rest just stays there and gossiping. Staring at Sunoo.

-Oh my god, did he done that on purpose???

- haizzz, he must have thought that he can't win so he cheated.

-I knew it from the beginning that he's not a nice person.



Most of them became Sunoo's antifan after the "cafeteria mess" that he made. Now they have a chance to gossip about him, it's obviously that they will use this chance to make other schools became Sunoo's antifan too. Sunoo heard everything, but he stays silent. After a while he looks up. Stares at everyone, says calmly.

-You better run before another light falls on you.

Looking at Sunoo's calm face and his deathly eyes. No one dares to speak a word, they got pale and runs away from the yard. Soon enough, there's only Sunoo in the middle of the basketball yard. He sits down, and puts his face into his palms.

Ni-Ki's worried face, this is he first time he saw that, but unfortunately it's not for him. Now he felt it, he never actually did step into Ni-Ki's world, and his world doesn't welcomes his appearance but just pushes him aside.

Sunoo lays down on the floor, he's very tired, his heart hurts, everything fades slowly....


-Oh you're awake.

A happy voice pops up. The owner of that voice pushes his glasses, Sunoo smiles.

-Sorry that you have to carry me again.

-It's okay.

-Why does every time I got in trouble, you're the one who saved me?

Sunghoon scratches his head, he doesn't know how to answers, Sunoo smiles again, this kid is really cute. When Sunoo pushes himself up then suddenly he felt pain coming from his arm.

(enhypen sunki) when I was seventeen  (author : @winkookie1986)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora