Chap 28

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Awkward silent. This is the first time that Ni-Ki has a conversation with his dad alone. Though it's only dad on the paper, but Ni-Ki actually gets nervous.

-How long have you guys been married?

-Next our 1 month anniversary.

-Uhm, our Sunoo......does he bully you?

"Huh? Of course yes, he made me into such disaster, can you please take him backkkk????"

Deep inside, Ni-Ki is shouting that sentence, but..the command..... :<

-No he doesn't.

-That's good, that kid..he's very stubborn, he always make a mess for others to clean up, he also loves teasing others. I do hope that after marrying you he'll get better. 

"Nope, that's never gonna happen" Ni-Ki's thought.

Mr.Kim stopped for a while, then says.                                                                                                                         -Since you know that we're doctors, tomorrow we'll have to go to Italy for a exchange business trip,'ll be long til we come back to Korea. I hope that you will take good care of Sunoo..

-Yes, that's my responsibility.

Deep inside once again, Ni-Ki's soul is screaming the heck outta him.

-My son...he have to face such disadvantage since he was born. I didn't thought that one day he will get to marry someone. I just wants to give him the most beautiful things. Ni-Ki, I know you don't love Sunoo, but....can you wait for a little more?

Ni-Ki's a bit surprise, he didn't know that Sunoo's dad knew it already. When he doesn't know how to answers then a laugh cut through his mind.

Sunoo is watering the plants, he seems very excited, this is his favourite chore, when he does it, he always points the watering hose high up on at the sky, imagine like it's raining.

Ni-Ki looks at Sunoo, gently smiles.

-Maybe you are right..I didn't marry Joe because I love him, but....I think I can try to adapt with him for a long time. That's why you can trust in me, I will try my best to take good care of Joe.

After saying goodbye to their parents, they sat down. This visit is actually not that scary, Sunoo felt relieved because if they found out the truth, they might force them to divorce, that's the thing that he won't want it to happen. Ni-Ki also felt relieved, because he is not gonna be kick out of the house. They haven't even sat down for 5 minutes then the doorbell rang once again.

-I'm coming I'm coming, why the hell do you have to press the bell so much??

Sunoo shouted and goes to open the door. Standing after the door is a girl, she looks very pretty and seems like she's the same age as Sunoo, holding a small poodle. She looks at Sunoo and say with a bossy voice.

-Is this your house?

-If not mine then who? Yours?

-How could you talk to others like that?? How uneducated.

-Do you think that you're educated?


She didn't finish her sentence then the door slams close. Sunoo ain't got time for such type of person.

-Hey hey hey

She shouted and kept on ringing the doorbell.

-If you broke our bell then imma go to your house and take your money!

Sunoo shouted at her face. Ni-Ki finds it interesting so he came out too. After seeing Ni-Ki, she stood there and looks at him.

-Who's this? (Ni-Ki)

-Some crazy bitch that I don't know.

She immediately looks at Sunoo, her face changed 180 degrees.

-You are the one who's being crazy. Isn't that you who have been spraying the water everywhere? Do you know that it got to me? Look, my high-end dress is all ruined. 

-Did it got to you? Sorry.

Sunoo says, he seems very tired, if she acted a bit more nice then he wouldn't be this rude.

When the door is almost close, then a hand immediately appears and blocks the door from closing. A big brown hand, from this hand we can know lots of things. So the owner of this hand must be a very strong and muscular man, he must be kinda old and he is very angry.

Ni-Ki and Sunoo looks at him. They got shocked when they saw a big muscular man standing in front of them. Oh yes, we should say that he's a giant. The tanned skin tone, very high and muscular. 

-Holy sh*t is he even peopl....

Ni-Ki held out his hand and blocks Sunoo's mouth. He's not afraid of that man, he just don't want to makes things more complicate and he's also very tired now.


Ni-Ki says, when he's about to close the door again then the man hold it back. 

-You bully my sweetie, a sorry is enough you think?

Ni-Ki frowned, and Sunoo acts like he's very surprise.

-Sweetie? You say that this dog is your sweetie? 

Sunoo points right into that girl's face. Then her face turns from pleased to mad. Sunoo's acting really made Ni-Ki laughs. Looking at their attitude, the man holds his hand into a fist, aiming at Sunoo's face.


Ni-Ki holds the man's hand back, pulling Sunoo behind his back.

-You are so old, you shouldn't bully such a child.

-He made fun of my baby, I have the right to do this.

-Hey?!?? When did I made fun of someone?

Sunoo's at the back but he still tries to pops out his face to say something. Her face got red and shouted. 

-Are you denying? Before you called me a dog!

-If not dog then is it a cat? Huh? Then what's that you're holding on your hands.

Now she got speechless, looking down at the dog she was holding all the time, she forgot, her face turns from mad to embarrassed. The man also glares at Ni-Ki, Ni-Ki smirked. The man puts down his fist and chase after his "sweetie" who has ran back home due to embarrassments.

The door closes, Sunoo smiles then giggles, then he can't stop laughing. He didn't thought that he would have such interesting neighbors. Ni-Ki glances at Sunoo, shake his head and sit down on the couch. He felt regret about what he said to Sunoo's dad....

(enhypen sunki) when I was seventeen  (author : @winkookie1986)Where stories live. Discover now