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Tzuyu's POV

    For the past few weeks I observed the sudden change of behaviour of Taehyung oppa. He doesn't talk to me as what he always did, no more teasing, when we are at our home alone he never talks to me if it is not important but if we are on the set he act like he care for me and nothing is wrong between us. I can't understand him, why is he ignoring me? Why does he make me miss more about him, I miss his teasing.... I miss everything about him. Did I do wrong that makes him upset. I'd rather want him to make fun of me than him ignoring me... I can't do that.

    Right now I'm with Mina unnie, I called her because I want to tell her something. We reserved a room in one of famous restaurant, even I didn't tell her by just looking at me she knows that there is something wrong.

    " That's serious baby, how can he ignore you after he did that thing."
I told her everything, even when the time Taehyung oppa forcefully kiss me and the things he do to take care of me.

   " Absolutely unnie, he is the worst.... how can he make my heart like this... I tried to stop my feelings but when every time he look at me I can't stop my feelings anymore...." My tears start to fall and Mina unnie offer me a handkerchief.

   " Well baby, how can he do that to you... you need to talk to him... to clear things... I think you have a misunderstanding.."

   " I can't remember a thing in which I make him upset.... it started when we spent our night at our dorm..... did I do something wrong..."

   " No baby don't blame yourself..... trust me there's a reason why he do that... hopefully it's for good...."

   " unnie, he is the first one who make me like this, the first guy who stole my heart..."

  " Yes baby, I know that.... you can cry on me.... your unnie will be your shoulder.... "

  After that, I texted him even I know he didn't care that I will be sleeping at our dorm. I can't let him see me in this state, I cried the whole day and I look wasted. How can love do this to me? I thought when you feel love you will be happy but I'm wrong all I feel was a pure pain he is the only one who makes me happy but hurt at the same time.

   " Something is fishy, did you two have LQ?" Nayeon unnie ask....they didn't know these I don't want to tell them.
(LQ- love quarrel)

   " No unnie I just miss to tease you?"

   " Yah... since you left there is no one who can talk me like that..  I just realized how I miss you...."  she said as she hugged me.... this is the first time I see her emotional....

    " Don't worry even if you like that your maknae loves you..." I said and pat her head I'm taller than her.

   " Thanks baby..." And with that she cried in front of me... is there something bothering her..

    " What's wrong unnie?" I ask her

   " No baby... unnie just miss your hugs..." 
She is lying I know it. Is there something wrong that I don't know.

  " Okay unnie good night, sleep well.."

      My mind is full of worries, seeing my unnie tears makes my heart weak.. did I miss something because I focused too much on him.

    I can't be weak on this situation, I will be strong for them... our group was also facing criticism for our singing ability.


      I woke up early to prepare a breakfast for my unnies, since I left I didn't have the chance to cook for them.

   " Baby, what are you doing here?" Jihyo unnie ask me, last night only Nayeon unnie knows that I'm here.

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