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   I didn't told my group that we parted our ways, we are now attending an awarding event and I can't avoid her because her group is also nominated. She didn't replied my message but she read it.

   I see her group already but she is not there, the program started already but I can't see her. Many groups are already finished performing, is she not attending today's event. Blackpink was started to perform when I see her entering, she looks so tired but she manage to come. I was jamming with Black pink song they have nice beat and songs.

   " Do you know why is Tzuyu late, hyung?" Jungkool asked me

   " She might be busy with her drama Kook.." Jimin answered him instead

     I was lost in my thought when Twice are already leaving because they are the next to perform. The fans are screaming like crazy and loud especially when Tzuyu's face was shown in the big screen. Some idols like us are dancing with their songs in their seats every song they have become a hit nationwide. My eyes was only focused on her, she was dancing beautifully until I see that she nearly stumbled on the stage but she composed her self immediately I can see how professional she is.

   Their music is done and they take time before going back to the audience area, I see her walking like something is wrong with her left foot. I know she's hurt but she was hiding so that people will not be worrying about her.

    The winners were announced and we got the best award with Blackpink, her group didn't make it I saw the sadness and disappointments of her eyes but still they grab special awards.

    We went backstage and meet Blackpink, we are already close that's why we congratulates each other. Jennie hugged me and she says thank you, don't get me wrong it's just an act of gratitude.
Until Jungkook shouted her name I turned around and see her alone. I want to run and hug her but I can't, seeing her like that worries me.

  " Oh Tzuyu... long time no see.." Jungkook said and Tzuyu was coming towards us

  " By the way congrats on your drama... I'm your number one fan" Jungkook

  " Thank you oppa.." she smiled to us

" Why are you alone? and what happen to your foot... you walking is not normal as usual..?" I was also wondering why she was alone. I want to ask her but I need to stop myself we are already nothing. I'm worried to her foot it was obvious that she was hurt.

  " Ahmm.. I have my shooting today so I will be separating with them... and my foot is okay oppa..don't worry about it, just a simple sprain." She said

  " Ohh... good luck then." Jin hyung look at me suspiciously and I avoided his eyes.

  " Hi Tzuyu.... we are Black pink... we always meet in awardings but we never talk to each other." Thanks to Lisa the situation is not awkward anymore.

  " Hello.... fancy meeting you... but I think I need to go... my manager is already waiting me outside." She will be busy for the shooting of her drama, I prayed for the success of the drama.

   When she disappeared to our sights, they all look at me.

   " I think you need to tell us something." Suga hyung

  When we are at our dorm they already surrounded me with their eyes like they are interrogating me.

  " Explain what happened a while ago.." Rapmon hyung, I can't say that we already broke up but they will not stop asking me until I answer.

   " We broke up." I said and they all shout in unison.

   " I'll explain you don't need to ask me lot of questions...... remember my birthday I received a message from her asking for break up. I feel alarmed so I asked for Jennie's help and I borrowed her phone to call Tzuyu but that talk didn't go well."

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