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Jihyo's Pov
    Were worried to our maknae, I hate Pdnim for telling that to Tzuyu. He is too much..... I called and talk to him.

"What do you want Jihyo-ssi?"

" Ask forgiveness to our maknae, you dont know how she cried... thankfully she got home safe last night."

" Jihyo-ssi, dont tell this because I have a plan for her, thats why I tell that hurtful words."

" What do you mean, pdnim?"

" We receive an offer for Tzuyu it is a reality show where in she will be partnered with someone."

  " You mean it is a couple show pdnim."

" It can be....."

" But Tzuyu is just 17 years old pdnim."

" I know but she need to do this, you know it can help your group also."

" Pdnim, what's the connection of the hurtful words."

" Okay I'll explain.... by the time Tzuyu will be hearing this offer I know she will not accept it..... thats why I tell her that she didnt contribute something to the group for her to feel guilty and accept it.. I know its a vague reason but trust me it will help her."

" but still pdnim...shes hurt.."

" yes I know but Im just preparing her mind, once she enter this world she may accept hurtful words from people..  it is worst than what I know she is young when she left her family to join this ..... I am her father here in Korea.."

I understand what Pdnim try to imply but I feel worried about Tzuyu... She seems happy yesterday when she got home but I know she just hide what she truly feel.

" Jihyo can I ask favour, take care of her...and tell her that I want to talk to her... tomorrow if she is ready to talk to me."

"Yes pdnim, I'll try."

I left because we need to proceed to the venue for our performance.

"Baby, are you okay?" I ask Tzuyu

" Yes unnie, not like yesterday....." she said

" Okay just tell us if your not feeling okay...yes..."
She nod in response, her eyes shows that she is sad but she keep on smiling for us.

" Unnie can I ask you what did you and pdnim talk about?" Dahyun

" I will explain later... "

All of the members are worrying about her..... they cant sleep last night because of her...she is our precious maknae.

Tzuyu's pov

I got home last night, even I dont want... thankfully I meet him and he comforted me through food. I take a side my feelings when Im with him.... and Im proud of myself I just act like he is nothing to me.

Life must go on.... we need to perform today. I open my phone because yesterday its full of miscalls and text from my unnies and oppas.

I want to talk with you. Do you have time?
From Sehun oppa

I dont know if I will reply him or not, our issue is still hot we need to distance ourselves from each other.

Just call me if you need someone to cry on, my shoulder is always free for you.
From oppa

He is Hyung won oppa I meet him once when we are still in Sixteen..... He always support me..... and cheer me up. He sees me like a little sister... were pretty close.

I LOVED HIM (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora