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     This is it the day for our grand concert, it's my first public appearance since I got into scandal. That scandal almost make me want to give up this entertainment. Thankfully I have lot of supporters my family, the members, my friends, fans and also him. At first I don't see chance that I can clear my name for their false accusations but when my mom told me that Bighit Entertainment and Taehyung oppa cleared my name I was encouraged and see that there are still hope for my career. Cheating is a big deal for his fans but I never did that, he is sure a world star.

  " Girls 5 minutes more and the concert will be starting...." one of the staff reminds us

   Nervous and happiness filled us, it was like our debut days. We already done lot of concerts but this was special we got into challenging situations and now we proudly show that we survived. To be honest haters never leave me there are still people who leave harsh messages but we didn't let them destroy us.

    The arena was fulled of fans and a lot of banners was raised for us to see, my parents also came to support me. Some of our celebrity fans also came like Elkie unnie, Hyungwon and Sehun oppa and the whole Astro I gave them ticket for VIP. Our intro performance was our debut song, it was a memorable song for us. Like ohh ahh followed by One in a million and I'm gonna be a star. Fans didn't disappoint us they always clapped and screams are heard.

    When the first part is done we are at the backstage to change our outfits. Some of our labelmates came to support us by performing to fill the stage while we are changing. My first outfit was a crop top and jeans, it was casual one from one of our sponsor  the second one is a purple long sleeve dress that is above the knees.

  " that outfit was so cute." Sana unnie said, our next performance will about love confession so What is Love, Cheer Up, and Fancy will be the songs we will be performing for part 2.

  " thanks unnie but I preferred yours, I love mint green colour and that dress you are wearing is cute." I said

  " let's prepare Got 7 sunbaenim are almost done for their performance." Jihyo unni said

     We also done on the second part I feel happy to see some of our fellow artist came to watch us. They are shown on the screen sometimes and our leader acknowledge them. After the performance we need to talk to our fans and do some games.

    " Tzuyu you loss you need to do the consequence." Jihyo unnie said, I loss at the rock, paper, scissor a while ago

  " What is the consequence unnie." 

   " this bowl contains lot of questions, you need to draw one piece of paper for you to answer." she give me the bowl why do I feel nervous. I give her the paper for her to read.

   " This question is nice. Tzuyu are you missing someone's presence today?" What kind of question is this. I look around and fans are waiting for my answer.

   " Uhmm... of course I do." I admitted

   " Okay we are not asking anymore but let's ask the fans if they know something." I blushed on what Nayeon unnie said the fans are cheering loud I can hear Taehyung's oppas name and our banner was shown in the screen its our photo together.


     The concert is going well and it's our final performance. We are at dancing our finishing step when all of the lights was off. I think there is technical problem, the lightsticks are also off. I was in the middle I tried to hold someone but there is no one I started to panic when there's a spot light pointing me, I wonder what happening but I saw a video on the big screen it is me.

I LOVED HIM (COMPLETED)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu