Chapter 11: Two Couples plus Jared and Kelsie...and Chase

Start from the beginning

“That guy bothering you? I could teach him a lesson.” he said.

“Oh, it’s okay. I can handle him.” I gotta rid the chances of any fighting to occur.

“You sure?”


I got into my Mini Cooper with Abby and followed Brandon’s FairladyZ to the mall with Jared’s BMW following me behind.

“What’s with you, Kelsie? The guy helps you out and you yell at him!” Abby questioned me with curious eyes.

“He looked in my wallet! Was there any reason not to yell?” I tried to remind my self that I was talking to Abby and not to Chase.

“I told you he likes you. He’s just trying to be nice. Cut the guy some slack and give him a chance.” Abby turned the radio on and Greenday blared out of the speakers.

“No way. He’s an annoying jerk.”

“How would you know?” Abby asked me with the same accusing tone. “All you ever did was shout at each act of kindness he does to you.”

“No.” I said firmly.

“You’re so stubborn”

“I know” I smiled smugly.

She just rolled her eyes and sang along with the song in the radio.

We finally made it to the mall and I felt secretly relieved that Abby wouldn’t be able to pester me about Chase anymore

We spotted Seth and Precious waiting for us by the big fountain. Precious’s eyes lit up when she saw Jared and me walking side by side. Boy, am I going to get an earful on the way home.

“So, where are we eating?” Seth asked as we examined the food chains lined up in front of us. “I’m starving.”

“How about at Pizza Hut? We could order a whole box and share it.” I suggested.

“Yes! Pizza!” Jared hailed while raising his arms up.

So we entered Pizza Hut and ordered an ENORMOUS pizza. Turns out the boys gobbled down half of the pizza altogether. Man, do they have strong stomachs.

“I’m so full.” Abby said while touching her tummy. We managed to gulf down the whole pizza in a matter of ten minutes.

“Me too.” I sipped my iced-tea and felt my stomach get heavier.

“Me three.” Jared said.

“Ditto” Brandon and Seth said weakly.

 “I need to go to the restroom.” I informed them and stood up. I should’ve asked either Abby or Precious to come with me but they look so full I don’t think they can manage to stand up.

When I got to the restroom, I smoothed my hair and applied some lip gloss. I felt silly that I’m making an effort to look really good just because Jared’s here. But, what else can I do to make him notice me?

I was making my way back to our table when suddenly somebody bumped me on my shoulder, making me drop my purse that held all my make-up.

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

I froze in surprise at the voice. He bent down to get my purse and suddenly I was facing him eye-to-eye.

“Hey! It’s you, Lewis!” Oh great, so now he calls me Lewis.

 “Oh great, it’s you again. What are you doing here?” I asked him coldly, crossing my arms.

“A guy can’t eat at Pizza Hut with a bunch of friends?” Chase said innocently.

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