Auggie's Stutter (January 2016)

Start from the beginning

"Baby, c'mere." Camryn climbs onto the bed, somewhat awkwardly because of her bump and sits across from Harry, crossing her legs into a pretzel. She reaches towards him and hugs him tightly feeling as his hot tears seep into her neck. He almost never breaks down and this is breaking her heart. "I know exactly what you mean, babe. I get it. Trust me, I had a breakdown in the shower today just thinking about everything. Don't apologize for losing it, honey. It just shows how much you love our little boy." 

"Just the thought of him feeling like he's less than because he talks differently makes me feel sick." Harry sniffles and nuzzles his face further into Camryn's neck as his hands rub up and down her back.

"I know,"Camryn nods. "When we take him to the doctor, maybe they can suggest speech therapist or something? He might not be able to get rid of it, but maybe they can work to make it better."

"Yeah,"Harry agrees and pulls away from Camryn. He takes her face in his hands and gently presses his lips against her forehead and then her lips, "We'll figure this out."


2 Days Later

"Are you ready, bubby?"Camryn coos with an encouraging smile as she helps unbuckle Auggie from his carseat.

"Here love, let me get him,"Harry offers, not wanting her to strain herself this far into pregnancy. Camryn backs away from the car as Harry picks up Auggie into his arms and settles him on his hip with a kiss on his cheek. He grabs Camryn's hand and smiles over at her with an encouraging nod.

"You okay?"Camryn asks noticing the slight fear written across his features.

Harry nods and puts on a brave face for Auggie, "yeah, yeah, I'm good. You?"

"Same,"Camryn nods, lying a bit and grips his hand harder to silently tell him that she's nervous too. Anytime you're taking your baby to a neurologist is a scary time. There could be so many drastic things that could be wrong with Auggie and it's been causing Harry and Camryn an extreme amount of stress.

They walk into the doctor's office and Harry helps Camryn into a chair, placing Auggie in her lap and walking up to the front desk to sign forms.

"M-m-m-m-m-mummy,"Auggie whispers up at Camryn, taking out his pacifier so she can hear him clearer. "s-s-s-s-s-scared."

"Oh baby, no no,"Camryn frowns and rocks her side to side in her arms, nuzzling her face down to the top of Auggie's head. "Don't be scared. The doctors are so nice and nothing scary is going to happen. They're just going to take a look at that smart brain of yours." She taps Auggie's head which makes him smile around the pacifier that he returned to his mouth.

Harry soon walks away from the front desk and sits by Camryn and Auggie. "Buddy, do you see plane outside?" Harry is desperately trying to distract the little boy because he knows how scared he is. "Look at the sky, do you see the plane?"

"S-s-s-small,"Auggie whispers, looking outside with wide blue eyes, sitting forward on Camryn's lap to get a better look.

"It does look small, huh,"Harry nods with a smile and puts his arm around Camryn's shoulders, kissing her temple gently. "But planes are actually pretty big, they just look small in the sky because they're so far away."

"F-f-f-f-fly,"Auggie exclaims with a wide smile, his pacifier almost dropping out of his mouth.

Harry chuckles and cups Auggie's cheek with his hand, caressing the skin gently with his thumb. "That's right! Planes fly so high! What do you think, bud, should we take a trip on an airplane?" Auggie looks over at Harry and nods, his face glowing.

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