Author's Note & Sequel News

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Hey y'all it's Mary Jo

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Hey y'all it's Mary Jo

First of all, thank you so so incredibly much for supporting this story and myself as much as you have. Every vote and comment that I got meant the world to me and kept me writing, so thank you, sincerely.

When I first started this story, it was just something to occupy my mind during the covid shut downs. I never expected to actually finish it. I never anticipated how much I would fall in love with the characters of this story. And lastly, I never thought anyone out there would actually read it, much less enjoy it.

I hope all of you wonderful readers, interactive or silent, enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. I put a lot of heart and soul into writing it, although I know I fell short in a lot of ways. I'm sure there were some plot holes that I missed, or unrealistic interactions, and if you noticed anything please don't hesitate to drop me a DM. I'd love to hear any way I can improve FF.

I do have plans for a sequel, and am in the beginning stages of working on it. However, starting in late March, I'm leaving home to through hike the Appalachian Trail. It's over 2,000 miles so it'll take a while, and I won't be able to promise any regular updates as I'll have to conserve my phone battery while out there so I don't get lost in the woods without a way to call for help. I don't want to end up as bear food you see. If I get eaten, I can't finish the sequel :(

Am I crazy?

Yeah, probably. But that's another issue.

I do plan to post updates on my youtube channel while I'm out there, so if you want to follow along with me, just shoot me a DM and I'll give you the name of my channel.

In other news, the sequel will be called "Last Legacy"

The story will be less about Loki and more about her relationship with Bucky, but I'm sure you'll love it all the same. Unlike FF which was very diplomatic and dramatic, it will be much more action packed and adventurous. I'll post a preview here as soon as it's ready. Would y'all be down?

In other, other news (lol), I plan to go back through FF one last time and give it a clean up. I know, especially in the beginning, I had some trouble keeping my tenses consistent and I know there are a few typos here and there. If you notice anything else out of line please let me know. I want FF to be the best it can be.

Y'all lovelies have a great day, and thanks again.

This is Mary Jo signing off.

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