chapter 4

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Hello Lovelys! I decided to give y'all the next chapter a day early. Yay! Also guys, no big deal, but this is the first chapter we see a glimpse of 'nice Loki'. Eeeeeeeek! Our kids are learning guys, I promise.

Also please please comment and tell me what you think, good or bad:)


I have a few acquaintances in the small town of Casper, but none so close an acquaintance as Kenny. Kenny was one of the people to help me when I showed up as a refugee in Casper with nothing whatsoever to my name. He gave me everything I needed on credit and let me pay him in salmon later, without any guarantee that I would actually hold my end of the bargain. And that's just who we were going to see.

Asside from a few people on snow mobiles, the town was silent. We followed the signs that said 'junkyard' until we exited the city limits and neared Kenny's place. Yes, Kenny's the junk guy, but he's the nicest junk guy in the world so keep an open mind.

Loki kept his hood drawn and his hands inside the cloak while we passed through town. He probably figured, the same as I did that it was best not to be seen in handcuffs.

We rounded one last corner and were greeted by the most inviting pile of garbage in Alaska. Kenny's junkyard covered several acres, and every time I visit, the piles of random stuff seem a little taller. He lives in the front part of the property with the ocean of junk as his backyard.

Loki made a face of disgust at what he was presented with and asked, "are you quite possitive this person can help us?"

I answered him, not slowing down to chat. "If there's anyone who can get those things off, it's Kenny. He's got more tools than a retired electrician." At the entrance to his property Kenny had a bell hanging off a post with a sign saying 'ring bell for service' so naturally, I grabbed the rope and pulled.

The door to the small cabin opened slowly to reveal my old friend. He'd be pretty intimidating if he weren't so nice. He's heavy set with several gaps in his mouth where teeth should be. He wore a large leather coat and bulky snow boots to match. As soon as he saw me, he smiled and picked up his pace.

"Weeeeeeell if it isn't Lex! How ya doin' girl? It's sure been a while since I'd done seen you last!" He opened the gate and welcomed us in. Koda wagged his tail in joy at seeing his playmate. He pulled me into one of those bro hugs, and I welcomed it with a smile.

"Hey yourself Kenny! How've you been getting on?"  I asked him, chuckling.

"Oh, you know, same ol' same ol', people give me junk and I sell it for whatever I can get. It's a heckofa life." He turned to Loki then, raising an eyebrow. "And who's this you've brought with you? Your long lost partner?"

"Actually, he's my new houseguest, and he's the reason we came here today. Can we go in the barn?"

Once we all made it inside, I closed the door and Kenny turned on the electric light. It was more of a workshop than a barn. Instead of animals, it's filled with every tool you could ever possibly need, and instead of the manure, it had the coppery smell of metal and rust.

"Okay, so, you remember when I first came here?"

Kennt raised an eyebrow, puzzled at my bringing up the past. "Course I do. How couldn't I?"

"Well, my friend Loki here just escaped from the same people." I placed my hand on Loki's forearm and pulled the handcuffs into view. "If there's anyone in town that can get these off, it's you. What do you think?" His eyes grew wide at seeing Loki's handcuffs and for good reason. They looked daunting, bigger and badder than any set of handcuffs ever seen. They were made with multiple layers of different types of metal, and there were runes stamped into the edges. These were obviously designed to contain a specific type of person. Cough cough, Loki, cough cough.

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