Chapter 34

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So far, it was proving to be a long, silent, awkward ride

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So far, it was proving to be a long, silent, awkward ride.

Loki sat in the back of the ship, calmly steering us through the mess of jagged rocks and grey slate that made up Svartálfaheim.

I sat towards the front with Jane and Thor. I was drawing energy from Jane's frail body and releasing it into the atmosphere as best I could. It was tricky since I wasn't able to direct it to a specific object, but I somehow managed. Jane laid on a bundle of blankets with her eyes closed, as if she was deeply asleep.

Thor sat on Jane's other side with his hand on her to help soothe her. Her breathing was somewhat strained, as though she was slightly winded. I'm guessing it must've been her body trying to fight off the Aether. I was helping a lot with siphoning her though. It was like letting a garden hose leak to keep the pressure from building up so much that it eventually exploded.

Fun thought.

Loki gave a sudden sigh as Thor draped a blanked over her.

"What I could do with the power that flows through those veins." Thor didn't bother meeting his brother's blank stare. We could both tell that Loki had reverted back to his calloused, bristly, defensive self.

"It would consume you." Thor said plainly. He wasn't willing to play into Loki's games.

"She's holding up alright. For now." Loki continued.

"She's stronger in ways that you'd never even know."

Loki leaned forward, and by the gaze in his eyes, I knew I wouldn't like what was about to come pouring out of his mouth. "Say goodbye."

It was then that I snapped, deciding to put my now child of a best friend back in his place before more damage was done. Brotherly bickering should only go so far.

"Loki stop. We're here to save Jane. Don't wish death on her. She's not just Thor's lover, she's also my friend."

Loki's eyes softened some in reaction to my tongue thrashing, but his cold demeanor stayed put. He didn't speak again however, which was a relief to the rest of us.

I loved Loki very much, but I didn't see him through rose colored glasses. I knew he could be a real pain sometimes, and when those times came, I tried my best to snap him out of it.

I think a lot of it had to do with him being back on Asgard. So many memories and past relations to deal with. In Alaska, he had a clean slate, a whole new life. He didn't have to worry about upholding his reputation because he didn't have one. He didn't have to deal with the ghosts of his past. He lived in almost complete freedom. Maybe I would feel the same way if I was brought back to Siberia with Hydra.

Heaven forbid.

All in all though, I still loved Loki, don't worry.

Eventually we found Malekith and his cronies parked in some sort of a valley. We saw them, and it wasn't long before they saw us too. They were so far away that they looked the size of ants, so little and harmless. Of course I knew better though. One of the monsters looking back at us was the one that killed Frigga and Odin.

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