Chapter 39

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It was a cloudy, foggy day in Switzerland

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It was a cloudy, foggy day in Switzerland.

When we woke up in the hostel, the sun was already up, but we couldn't see it on account of the numerous clouds clogging up the sky. The fog rolled down from the mountains and covered the lake in a wispy layer of mist. A typical Swiss morning.

I wanted so badly to enjoy a cappuccino and see the sights, but we had work to do.

As soon as we checked out of our hostel room we followed Jane down the street to where her small, scientific-y, handheld device told us the strongest atmospheric readings were. That's where the convergence would take place, and that's where Malekith would attack.

When Jane unzipped the duffle bags that she brought with her, she pulled out several huge metal spikes, decked out in scientific equipment. It looked like something off of The Discovery Channel's Shark Week. apparently those things were supposed to help us manipulate the weak spots in the fabric of reality. We weren't supposed to worry about those though. Thor, Loki, and I were just supposed to kill as many of Malekith's minions as possible, and minimize civilian casualties. Damage control, if you will. We didn't know where or when Malekith would show up, or even how, but we were sure that he would use the convergence to bring darkness into the universe, and that we were the only ones who could stop him.

Loki insisted on fighting too, even though he still wasn't at full strength. I didn't want him to, of course, but how could I deny him my support in both fighting for Earth, and avenging his mother? I couldn't, at least not without feeling like the most selfish person in the universe. I just hoped with all my heart that nothing bad happened to him.

The city was buzzing today, contrary to the quiet tranquility of last night. The sidewalks were crowded as well as the streets. The lake was busy with sailboats. The city busses were jam-packed full as they roared passed, honking their horn, telling us to move or we'd be run over. We eventually arrived at a park next to the Lake, and Jane told us to disperse the tech-spikes around the area. The local police were very interested in what we were doing so I had Loki present them with several illusion-based permit documents, which satisfied their curiosity.

Just as we were finishing up, the clouds above us took an angry turn, and the wind picked up. To any average Joe, it would've seemed like any average storm rolling in, but we knew different. Loki and I turned our heads in the direction of the storm when we saw Malekith's ship appear in front of us. Apparently it could turn invisible. Of course it could. A huge alien ship came to Earth in order to use the convergence to take over the universe. Why wouldn't it be invisible? Visibility would've been way too easy!

Loki's jaw set when his eyes landed on the huge floating T-shaped ship before us. Determination was evident in his eyes and I could tell he was ready to avenge his mother's death. We both were.

Suddenly there was a flash of green light, and our illusions both dropped. My heart skipped a beat at the thought of my face being exposed to the world's eyes, but I realized then that nobody would notice me with the ship floating right in front of us. It was the perfect distraction.

Final Frontier (A Post Endgame Loki Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin