Chapter 17

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Okay not gonna lie

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Okay not gonna lie. This chapter is boring. But it's also really important to the plot.

Also I meant to upload this chapter two days ago but I was on a 27 mile overnight hike and while I did bring an external battery for my phone I grabbed the wrong cord so I couldn't use it🤦. But anyway, here's the next chapter. Enjoy🙃


Even though we'd only been in Avengers Tower for a very short time, it felt like an eternity.

About twenty four hours after I fried the Avengers' jet and communications, a search and rescue crew came to pick them up.

And of course, they took us with them.

The first day wasn't so bad. They had us under a house arrest of sorts (per my request), and our room had every modern luxury one could wish for. The room had a full kitchen with an electric stove, and a refrigerator that had an attached freezer compartment! Not only that, but the fridge was stocked with all different kinds of food, from apples, to eggs, to something called cream cheese.

But that wasn't my favorite part of our small accommodation. That title definitely went to the bathroom. Sure it was small and plain, but I didn't have to walk through snow to get to the outhouse, and the shower was hot. I probably spent way too long in there but heck, I didn't care at that point.

I was trying to remember how to use an electric coffee maker when Loki snuck up behind me after he had his turn in the shower, and placed his hands on my shoulders.

"You smell divine darling." I smirked, shaking my head at his husky tone.

"You don't smell so bad anymore yourself, Raindeer Games." I said it teasingly, but I wasn't lying. When he came near me I was overwhelmed by his fresh masculine scent. He released me and rolled his eyes at my jab.

"Don't remind me."

We both wore very similar clothing: black shirt and black canvas pants. Steve Rogers, James' old friend, offered to have our laundry taken care of if we wanted (he probably noticed how much we reeked and wanted to make everyone's lives easier). I agreed in a heartbeat. Nobody in their right mind would put dirty clothes on after a cleansing shower. Loki took some convincing, but eventually he came around. I'm sure he only resisted because he didn't want to owe the Avengers anything, which I understood. However, he'd been wearing the same clothes for several months and I begged him to swallow his pride and take the offer.

"How do you feel?" He took my face in his hands gingerly, and examined the wound on my temple. It was small compared to the bear bite, but it was still nonetheless unpleasant. I decided not to heal myself because I wasn't sure I wanted SHIELD to know about that ability. The less they knew about me, the better.

"Loki, I'm literally fine. It's just a concussion. I can deal with it until we're outta here."

"Alright." He said exasperated, and threw his hands up in surrender. Oh yikes, I rejected his offer to care for me...again. I felt remorse as soon as the realization hit. Loki had turned away from me and towards the window which overlooked the towering city of New York. I walked up to him slowly with my tail between my legs.

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