Chapter 29

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When I came down to breakfast the next morning, Thor wasn't at the table

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When I came down to breakfast the next morning, Thor wasn't at the table. To say that was unusual was an understatement. If there was one thing Thor didn't miss, it was a hot meal.

"Hey Fandral, where's Thor?" I asked the dashing blond in passing.

"I've no idea. Don't fret. He probably had some other commitment. I'm sure he'll be here later."

I nodded, remembering the Bifrost last night and wondering if he wasn't the one who used it.

My thought was broken by Koda running past me and nearly knocking me over. His mouth hung open and his tongue flopped around out the side of his face. I knew exactly where he was going, so I wasn't worried. Over the last several weeks he'd grown quite attached to Volstagg, and likewise, Volstagg grew very attached to Koda. Volstagg adored every second that Koda was around to play with. And Koda enjoyed having someone else to play with too.

"Koda!" Volstagg exclaimed at seeing his new four legged pall bounding towards him. "How are you today my friend?" He bent over, and pat Koda on the back. "What would you like for breakfast?" Volstagg lead Koda towards the table full of food.

I was grateful that the palace finally warmed up to Koda's presence. Being stuck in a bedroom for most of the day was no life for a dog.

I think it was fair to say that Koda and I were somewhat settling in and getting used to the routines and daily life of the palace. I was pretty tight with the warriors three, Sif, and of course the royal family. Thor was like a brother to me and Frigga my mom. No matter what struggles I was dealing with, they were always there for me and I knew I could rely on them.

I sat down near Frigga after grabbing a few pieces of fruit from the table. Oh, have I mentioned? The food was to die for! I could never go back to a fish and venison based diet. Not after eating Asgard's food.

Yeah, I was starting to like Asgard, and I was getting used to the routines and luxuries.

Everything was becoming 'normal'.

Until Thor returned.

I was down at the training arena with my guard division. We were working on hand to hand combat and I won almost every spar match. After starting my training, I had quickly gotten back to the point where I didn't have to think about what I was doing anymore. I completely let my instincts take over like second nature, and so far, they haven't let me down.

I was in the middle of my fourth match when Thor made an appearance.

My opponent was slender and quick. He managed to dodge a lot of my attacks. He had a one track mind though. He couldn't focus on more than one attack at a time. That was my advantage.

He tried to kick my stomach, but I lept to the side just in time, and threw a punch. He managed to catch my fist in his hand to block it, but as he did, I already had my other fist balled up and flying towards his temple. He couldn't stop it.

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